Roald Ellsworth

TLDR: Ellsworth is a very good for a support partner in the early scenarios that throw many sticky location treacheries at you, but gets generally less valuable as the campaign progresses.

Ellsworth was extremely useful in my group's run of Edge of the Earth, much more useful than I anticipated! Ellsworth can blank several infuriating cards, such as Polar Mirage, Antarctic Wind, and Through the Ice. He can trivialize these sticky treacheries at fast speed , simply costing a supply and exhausting. During and after To the Forbidden Peaks, I maybe used 3 supplies off him at most in a scenario, because sometimes we were already moving from the location or we weren't investigating that round. In this sense, I really enjoyed the flexibility of using it during any investigator's turn, such as if you didn't have anything else to do and your seeker was trying to save their cards, you're able to use Ellsworth to thwart Polar Mirage. Especially since Polar Mirage and Through the Ice care about you being at that location or moving to or from it, if you don't care about going back to that location, then you've relegated that card to an icy crevasse, never to be dealt with again!

Although extremely useful in the majority of the campaign, Ellsworth was just not used in either of the Heart of Madness scenarios. Often, there were few to no targets for his ability, and he was just relegated to a damage soak and target for Miasmatic Torment (Sorry, bud).

Overall, I found Roald Ellsworth to be a solid overall choice for a support partner asset. Man, he is a great choice in Ice and Death and Fatal Mirage, and a decent pick in To the Forbidden Peaks and City of the Elder Things.

I definitely agree, Roald doesn't look like much at first glance, but once you realize just how much of the encounter deck is made up of these "stick to location" treacheries, his worth quickly becomes apparent. A Big Hand Seeker might consider bringing Roald specifically to counter Polar Mirage, while a low agility investigator may consider him to blunt Through the Ice. Overall a great general-purpose pick for the first half of the campaign if you aren't particularly in need of another companion. — Soul_Turtle · 434
Question about his ability - if a treachary card on a location says "discard at end of round" and Roald blanks it with his ability, does it stay around until the end of the next round? — Chappykinz · 1
Roald only blanks the treachery for one investigator's turn, that is, until their portion of the investigator phase is over. It will be active during other investigators' turns and during the end of the round check. — dscarpac · 929
Dauntless Spirit

This card, along with Survey the Area, Defensive Stance, and Occult Theory forms a cycle of cards that boost two of your skills (Savant is a different breed, but is the Rogue 1XP version). The two skills are the ones that the Edge of the Earth investigators have a 4 and 5 base skill in (Lily excepting), so for those investigators specifically, these cards boost those skills to a modified skill of 9 (without any other modifiers in play). Number big! Why would you want to pay an XP for such a big number, when Unexpected Courage usually puts you in a good position to pass a test, or you want the draw off of Guts?

  • You're looking for something to help you succeed-by-2 (although note that that's most commong in , and that class didn't get one of these cards (but hey, off-classes exist).
  • If you're dealing with Curse tokens, this may make you feel more comfortable about a very important skill test.
  • On Hard difficulty, this may be worth it more of the time when you must pull a chaos token.
  • Occasionally you do need to pass a very tough skill test. Several locations throughout the campaigns ask you to test (5) to unlock something or another or avoid something bad. Being up by 4 should protect you almost all of the time on Standard,
  • If you're playing with other EOTE investigators, having high stats means you have low stats in something else. Specifically with this card, Daniela can commit it to Monterey Jack's skill test, granting him 6 for a tough treachery. Jack could do the reverse with Survey the Area, allowing Daniela to try to pass a crucial test, again at a modified value of 6.

Because these skills only modify two skills, they also draw comparisons to Curiosity, Able Bodied, Steadfast, and Cunning. The classes and skills don't exactly match up to this cycle, but the main draw with those is that they are at 0 XP. This cycle needs to work at 1 XP because of the unusual deck-building requirements of the EOTE investigators. For other investigators, whether or not they want them is a case-by-case analysis. They're worth a look because you'd be paying 1 XP to put in a Level 0 card anyways if you really needed the skill boost. But most other investigators are not regularly testing two stats, nor do they need to boost them quite so high. 1 XP cards are tricky because the deck slot itself is extremely valuable, and you'd rather fill it with something that helps you do more than pass a single test. Plus, for another XP, you can test your class's main stat with the Overpower (2) cycle, and draw cards to boot.

I've written this review for Dauntless Spirit specifically because it boosts , which is always useful. It's Innate and a card, so it's easy to pick back up again. Many investigators should take a look, but I think Silas Marsh will make the most use out of it, giving him 6 for a treachery to avoid horror, but note that he can't pick it up with his effect.

dscarpac · 929
Commit resourceful to get it back with Silas. — MrGoldbee · 1441
Played it in a Minh deck with Strange solution: Acidic ichor and later added the pair of Brute forces. She was quite the fighter by the end of the campaign. Very fun deck to play! — Skrattmas · 9

A rare card to have for Rogue! Easy upgrade from Guts to make your deck more Rogue-like. I find I use the commit icons just as often as playing it, a flexible option to help other players beat the treachery other than the 4 cost if you happened to be at the same location. (Beat it entirely instead of drawing a new one.)

5argon · 9137
I've never played this for 2, only for 4 or 6, because the difference between drawing another encounter card and drawing another player card is so huge — Thatwasademo · 56
Good for Wendy to first commit, than play with her Amulet (if you have the resources). — Nenananas · 251
How does this work if you take the second reaction? Does the player of the card have to draw the replacement card? If you do both reactions who draws from who's deck? — brdanner · 4
@brdanner it is always the player playing this card who draws the card (whether it's from their personal deck or the encounter deck). — Nenananas · 251
Archive of Conduits

Every time this ritual comes into play, you have the chance to displace four non-elite enemies. You’re not exactly defeating the foes, which is good because in Edge of the Earth: some enemies punish you for defeating them. And it only works temporarily on hunters.

It also allows people to move from locations outside of their turns, which is again an EOTE benefit. (There are scenarios in Innsmouth where this could be useful, where you need someone to get to a location or onto a vehicle and they are elsewhere fighting off a monster.)

This is situationally useful, especially in campaigns with huge HP enemies or Vengeance foes. It’s probably not the best of the leyline books, but there is a use for it and that’s what a card should do: give you ideas to build around specific instances.

MrGoldbee · 1441