TLDR: The dream weapon for Dirty Fighting Lucius or a berserk Amanda. Probably otherwise useless.
This is a really weird card.
As a 4xp researched card in the increasingly-valuable accessory slot, you want to get really quite a lot of value from it. They even printed it right alongside Antikythera, so everyone who might look at this does have a compelling other option.
This card does a whole bunch of stuff, including stuff Seekers have never done before, but it doesn't seem like a cohesive package. And I'm not sure any one of its functions justifies running it.
It can be a weird pseudo-weapon that spams unlimited 2 damage attacks. But they're made with combat skill, at no bonus. There are only 3 characters with more than 2 combat who even can play it: Joe Diamond, Parallel Jim, and Kohaku. All of them have access to some guardian melee and two of them have mystic combat spells, so I don't see any of them going for it unless Joe really needs a hands-free attack cause he's juggling too many investigation tools. Speaking of hands, while other Seekers could certainly find ways to pass these tests, they'd probably rather run Timeworn Brand if you own it. In a big collection there's also lots of events or charged assets that let Seekers deal good damage. Only Amanda seems likely to actually want to spam attacks.
It can manipulate tokens. This mitigates the auto-fail, and you can make up for the lack of skill bonus by testing at low skill and fishing for good tokens. But if you do this it rapidly gets used up, in which case we must ask why you're not running events or spell assets instead. Because it manipulates tokens, it can trigger Agatha Crane's ability. But she has 1 Combat and access to Shrivelling and Spectral Razor so who are we fooling?
It can give you evades with +1 damage. Plenty of seekers have good base agility, so this is less of an uphill battle. And evade with damage is an okay effect, potentially. Historically, we've seen that effect a bunch of times and it's rarely been played much. But then, the old versions tended to have serious problems, like being expensive, requiring multiple tests, or having really bad random backlash effects, or being stapled to a mediocre character. How much better is an asset that lets you do it as much as you want, with no downside, and auto-fail insurance?
If you were going to take basic evades frequently, this is probably enough of an improvement to be worth playing. It looks especially good on Ursula Downs, who is more likely to go off alone and get engaged on, and of course on Lucius Galloway, who can evade for clues and use the token redraws to fish for "succeed by X". You will frequently get to ping something with a damage just for doing what you were already going to do.
But, how often does that really benefit you? Spaming 2 or 3 evades in a row to kill one guy doesn't seem efficient. When you wipe a 1 HP opponent with it, that's great. It's also good if you drop an enemy's health enough that your team's fighter saves an attack. But sometimes the enemy had even health and the 1 point doesn't matter. So I think in most cases if you have a conventional fighter on your team, this damage matters only 2-3 times per scenario, despite being unlimited use.
This card's downfall is that while it's better than basic evasion, I think it compares unfavorably to other evade cards you could be running instead. Getting extra actions from Blur or Eon Chart or Pendant of the Queen, or keeping the enemy down longer with Disguise or Slip Away, or even getting free movement from Nimble or Mists of R'lyeh, all seem like better payoffs than 1 damage, in yellow.
In conclusion, you might run this just as an evade boost for Lucius in Core+Drowned limited. With a full collection, I don't think this is good unless you're planning to both evade and fight with it. Being able to two-shot 3 health enemies all day while gaining all the benefits of evasion is pretty good, and you can probably manage to pass one combat test when you need to. As I mentioned above, Dirty Fighting with Lucius Galloway would probably be the combo. That free action attack comes in at a respectable ... 3 skill, counting Dirty Fighting, but at least it's free and you get some re-draws. He could run Michael Leigh if he really wants a passive combat boost and another damage source? You could get more Dirty Fighting value by running some parley events? Sounds jank as heck but maybe solo-viable.