Bound for the Horizon

It seems obvious to say it but there is a class (the survivors) who can use cards from the discard or even want cards in the discard, so Bound for the Horizon can be considered with Wendy Adams, "Ashcan" Pete, Calvin Wright, Silas Marsh, or George Barnaby if you intend to play with your discard.

In a Wendy Adams deck, you can still play the card you have just discarded if you have the Wendy's Amulet in play.

For others, it's the opportunity to have the Improvised events in the discard without playing them from the hand first.

For Monterey Jack (and Ursula Downs to a lesser extent), it's an other possibility to move as a free action and take advantage of the investigator ability.

AlexP · 255
But Ursula and Monterey (except the parallel backside) have access to pathfinder, where you don't need to discard — Tharzax · 1
Monterey Jack benefits from a 2nd move. And Pathfinder doesn't work if you're engaged. The possibility of moving while engage can trigger Gené Beauregard to send the enemy to the location you've exited, or Under surveillance in the location you have entered, or the fighter's Guard dog (2) in the location you've enteredto disengage you, ... — AlexP · 255
Dakota Garofalo

Really great for Zoey Samaras:

  • boosts her fight,
  • boosts her fight with Wither / Spectral Razor / ... if there is a Creature / Monster at the location,
  • you spare the action to engage the enemy (if it is engaged with an other investigator) and get an auto-damage with Zoey's Cross,
  • gives your the last move you need to enter the location of the enemy Smite the Wicked is attached to.

At 2+ player you can also ask a seeker to play Existential Riddle on a Creature / Monster hunter enemy so that you have the double bonus all the time (as long as you move only one location perround).

AlexP · 255
On Their Heels

Seems great with Trish Scarborough:

And to enter the location, you can use copies of Doppelgänger you lay on your path.

AlexP · 255
Let Luke Black Market "Doppelgänger" for a weird combo. $1 delayed teleport. — MrGoldbee · 1473
Alice Luxley is also happy about this. Fits into that Joe Diamond build. — AlderSign · 314

It's insulting that this costs XP.

In the early game this card is worth one symbol. For the mid game it's worth 2, with the option to shuffle one back into your deck. You probably don't want to do that. Shuffling a single 2-symbol card somewhere into your deck is basically meaningless. Eventually, at the end of your deck, you'll get a 3-symbol card that's situationally better than a Perception or Manual Dexterity and you've now netted out against the 1-symbol you had to burn through at the start of the game. Just be sure to use it before you reshuffle or you're back to square one.

Yes, you can theoretically put off reshuffling your deck indefinitely by using it every round. Except if you've drawn to the end of your deck it means you're running a build that chews through cards. You will want to keep drawing. Not taking a single horror and shuffling your weaknesses back in is very rarely going to be worth only drawing quick-witteds for the rest of the game.

It gives you and , which is the most useful combo due to things like Lockpicks, Slip Away, Breaking and Entering etc. Except anyone running that suite is already going to be hitting an 8+ combined skill value and probably doesn't need a boost, let alone +4-6. And even if you do, Survey the Area is still better.

The only investigator that might make room in a deck for this is Minh running Short Supply. Dumping 10 cards at the start means there's a very good chance at lease one will start in the discard, so the others are 3+ symbols with Minh's ability. You probably won't be disappointed to draw them, at least. Even then survey is still way better, especially if she needs to use them to evade.

It also has minor synergy with Artistic Inspiration since the first card is worthless outside of your discard pile, so it's strictly an upgrade to pitch it for an inspiration. But if the nicest thing you can say about a card is that it doesn't hurt to throw it away, it probably isn't very good.

CombStranger · 270
1xp for a niche use seems fine. — MrGoldbee · 1473
Careful, you don't get both types of skill icon for Lockpicks, etc. — AlderSign · 314
Pelt Shipment

If I discard this card during Upkeep, resulting in my hand size not exceeding the limit, do I need to continue discarding or stop? I'm not native English speaker,have read the rule about upkeep phase and still not sure. For example, I have 8 cards in hand after drawing, including this card and reduce hand size to 5, I need to discard 3 cards. Then I discard this, hand size reset to 8 and I have 7 cards in hand, stop discarding now, or continue discard 2 cards?

Farevell · 1
You can discard just the pelt shipment and keep the rest. Then try to get this back near the end of the scenario with resourceful or scavenging — OrionAnderson · 92