I think Rita Young might really favor this card as well. This really supports Pilfer in the absence of Chuck Fergus. Plus Tool coverage is nothing to be scoff at for Survivors (Ice Pick, Chainsaw, Old Keyring, Lantern, Sledgehammer, Fire Extinguisher etc)
Cost: 3. XP: 3.
Zużywalny (2 zasoby). Uzupełnij dane zasoby na początku każdej rundy.
Żetony zasobów na Bystrzaku mogą zostać wydane, aby opłacić koszt kart z cechą Informacja, Narzędzie lub Sztuczka.
Podczas testu umiejętności z karty z cechą Informacja, Narzędzie lub Sztuczka wydaj 1 żeton zasobu z Bystrzaka: do tego testu dostajesz +1 do wartości umiejętności.

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I like Crafty for its potential to boost investigation through Tools.
In particular, it could go a long way in a solo Daniela deck. Combined with Flashlight or Old Keyring, it allows her to investigate at the equivalent of 5 once per turn, while also paying for those Tools, her wrench, Scene of the Crime, maybe Evidence! and a spare Trick. Granny Orne (3) can push that to ~7 and add some consistency in case Crafty isn't drawn.
This is a great supplement to Chuck Fergus centered decks. Helps you play that style if both copies of Chuck are in the bottom half of your deck. Let's you choose all three options when both it and Chuck are in play. It makes investigating with flashlights and lockpicks a breeze. Maybe those monster successes let you use upgraded cig case to find you Chuck.
I find it very unsettling that Wilson Richards can't use this card. I guess it would not fit the designers idea for the investigator restrictions; yet I think this would be an awesome card for the Handyman, both flavor and gamewise. It could not only benefit the use of tools but also some synergy cards as Gang Up and Call for Backup.
Works well with Kate Winthrop for econ or stat boost when you need an uneven boost to maximize the chances of succeding by exactly x (although ideally you want Steady Hands for that). She runs lots of insights and tools, so this card will be relevant for most of her deck.