This is a fantastic card if you are using custom cards.
While it seems extremely taxing at 3r, a card, and being a double for a mere 1 XP, its important to remember that the main way you get XP in this game is clearing victory locations or enemies, and mostly locations. In that context, is that a bad price?
No, not at all, its fantastic. Because this gives 1 XP for the player using it, and costs only the player using it actions and resources, you can compare it to how much it would cost you to get an extra victory point in a true solo game: You need to move into and out of a location that is otherwise superfluous, and need to pass 2-3 investigation tests or discover 2-3 clues, often times facing some sort of negative location effect. That is, in almost all cases, going to cost you MUCH more than 2 actions, a card, and 3 resources. Specific seekers might be able to get a VP for less with double pathfinder, assuming on their turn they didn't want to move anyway and were just 'popping in' to a location, investigating twice, and popping out, but in practice you probably are still spending time and energy in 99% of decks.
So when you look at it that way, its a fantastic investment of actions to VP, in multiplayer or solo, regardless of how many people run it, because it scales more aggressively for you than VP locations. You just play it during a turn your partially moving to a new location or any other 'administrative' turn where the team needs to just shuffle about and now your deck is stronger, which makes future scenarios easier, which gives you more time to get XP, which makes playing this card easier.
The other obvious benefit is that the XP comes from the aether, which matters if you are doing well and playing strong decks that tend to clear VP most or all of the VP of a scenario with some time to spare. At some point you can't get anymore XP from a scenario no matter how well you do, and Refine increases that max XP by 1, at least for you.
Also of important note is that you definitely should focus on VP locations over this card if your the cluever, because those pay out to the team. But it is very rare for you to literally not have 2 spare actions in the game as a cluever to cram in at some point. If you have custom cards and spare deck slots, definitely run this card for at least the first few scenarios.