This card is a trap, don't play it.
In best case you spent 6 actions to gain 8 ressources, if all tests succeed with no negative side effect. My cost calculation inludes: draw card, play it, pay 1 ressource, spend 3 actions to trigger it.
if you spend 6 actionst to gather ressources instead, you're only two behind but with no side effect and 100% chance of success.
Futher problems:
- I occupies an arcane slot. Most mystics need one for an attack spell and the other for Rite of Seeking.
- If you fail, the card is less effective than "gather ressource action".
- Has on third chance to deal one damage to user. Mystics don't have high HP, this can kill you.
- Some scenarios add doom on specific symbols, so you want to avoid any kind of test in such a scenario, turning this into a dead card.
- It occupies 2 slots in your deck, which can be used for much better mystic cards. Forbidden Knowledge or David Renfield is a good replacement, if you need ressources.