I haven't seen this mentioned much, but Occult Lexicon/Blood-Rite can also discard the Moonstone from your hand, meaning Seekers with Moonstone access, Ursula, Minh, and Rex, have an additional option to get Moonstone out, the main way for Seeker still being Elli. I'd say Ursula benefits the most from this combo. Also, don't underestimate a Seeker's ability to play Moonstone by exceeding max hand size. Card draw is all over the place in the Seeker faction.
Atut. Drobiazg
Przedmiot. Relikwia. Krainy Snów.
Cost: 3.
Dostajesz +1 i +1 .
Nie możesz zagrywać ani przeznaczać Kamienia księżycowego z twojej ręki.
Po tym, jak odrzucisz Kamień księżycowy z twojej ręki: zagraj go (płacąc jego koszt).

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The passive bonuses on Moon Stone are good. But how to play it?
There are two main ways:
Specific card effects. The best are those printed on investigator cards that you start the game with: Wendy Adams, "Ashcan" Pete and Patrice Hathaway. The best non-investigator way to discard at will (there aren’t many) is Scroll of Prophecies.
Discarding cards due to maximum hand size. Anyone can do this, but it could be difficult if your hand tends to run low. So other than the investigators listed above, Moon Stone would probably only be used by investigators that really want the willpower and agility bonus and have no better or more reliable accessory options.
What about Bob Jenkins?
If you have Moonstone in your hand and Bob Jenkins is another player using his additional action to play an asset from your hand, is he "you"?
It reads "At any time, an investigator at your location may reveal to you the Item assets in their hand. You may take an additional action during your turn, which can only be used to play an Item asset from the hand of an investigator at your location, under their control. (Both investigators may spend resources to pay its cost)."
What do you say? Can Bob Jenkins play Moonstone from your hand?
Having made the Ursula Relic deck, I think you either cheat this into play with Dr. Elli Horowitz, or you use Occult Invocation to discard it and get it into play that way. Which really both seem better from previous reviews of this card.
Seekers op btw :D
In addition to the ways described above to circumvent Moonstone play restriction, Unearth the Ancients should work. It indeed allows Moonstone to be "put into play", which is different from "play(ed". It may mostly be relevant in a Ursula Downs deck (maybe Minh Thi Phan as well), but still deserved to be mentioned.
FYI: If you take both Short Supply and Moonstone, then when your first turn of the game begin, if your Moonstone is one of the ten cards that get discarded, you can immediately play it right from the start. This is quite a neat way to start the game with +1 willpower and + 1 evade. This definitely would be something Patrice Hathaway want to do, but all other investigators who can take both cards should also seriously consider this little combo if they choose to take either Short Supply or vice versa Moonstone, including Lola Hayes (which pumps her willpower and evade to a respectable 4 from the start).
Correction: this does not work because Moonstone needs to be played from your hand.