Gravedigger's Shovel

In solo it wasn't bad to include a couple of these in a deck for Rita Young and the like, even though she can't really recur it outside of Resourceful etc. But with the advent of Crafty, I can see an argument being made for having this in hand as a starting supplemental 'weapon' by some survivors even in multiplayer. I'm using it with Rita Young in a 3-player right now, and having 1 Crafty - or even better, 2 - to both pay for the play of this card and amp up your Fight to as high as +6 means you can take out monsters with that little bit extra. Even the Clover Club Pit Boss can be a challenge if you're Rita as main monster manager. Elite so can't Waylay, so use a Cheap Shot for 2 damage and you've got 2 left to go. Fighting 3 on 3 doesn't set the world on fire. But use the Gravedigger's Shovel with Crafty and you can rock out two actions of 3+2+1 = 6 v 3, beating the Cultist on Standard.
Not the best weapon, but still a fun one when Rita can deal 1 Damage with a standard evade and a very reliable 1 Damage with the Shovel.

Krysmopompas · 360
Vincent Lee

What makes heal decks more viable now is not cards such as Soul Sanctification but Vincent Lee the investigator's deckbuilding options. Because he can use any cards 0-5 that can heal, he has a wide and versatile library of deckbuilding options that was hitherto unavaiable for any investigator. Runic Axe becomes monstrous with him, and he can be a very effective fighter even as a primary cluever.

Maybe dumb rule question: Can Vincent Lee have a fully kitted out Runic Axe, so long as it has Inscription of Glory? (For the record, I think Runic Axe + Glory is an amazing card & a great buy for Lee) — turtlegods · 17
Yes if a customizable gets an upgrade that makes it apply to someone's deck building differently you treat it how it now is, not its base card. — Zerogrim · 295
Sorry if I'm missing something here, but isn't Runic Axe 2 handed? Wouldn't this block you from playing his signature card? — theamerikan · 1
Yes, however Runic Axe is worth ignoring a signature card for. Roland Banks agrees with this statement. Also, if you have poor luck in finding the axe, the bonesaw will do in an emergency. Or, if you want to be a true mad doctor, take bandolier and play both. — RubberyChicken · 1
Soul Sanctification

What gimps this card for me is that it only applies to excess heals for investigators, not allies. There are actually less cards in the game that heal investigators specifically rather than allies. I know another reviewer mentioned a combo with Daisy involving Earthly Serenity. However, I don't think Daisy wants to spend her time building up a stockpile of Unexpected Courages that she can use twice per test. As a Seeker with an investigator ability that synergizes with Tomes, she has a lot more interesting and powerful options than spending time with Earthly Serenity. The build is viable, but it doesn't sound optimal and more of a way to utilize a new and fiddly card.

What makes heal decks more viable now is not this card but Vincent Lee the investigator's deckbuilding options. Because he can use any cards 0-5 that can heal, he has a wide and versatile library of deckbuilding options. Runic Axe becomes monstrous with him, and he can be a very effective fighter even as a primary cluever.

My problem with it is that it doesn't do anything on its own for 6 exp. Why are you healing in excess anyways? At that point you probably should stop wasting time healing. — fates · 54
You can consider excess healing now to be 'draw a mid tier card' or perhaps 'generate an essence of the dream.' For many healing sources, this is actually a very worth overhealing for. — dezzmont · 218

Overpowered in a Vincent Lee recursion deck with the combo piece Bandages + Well-Maintained + Spirit of Humanity. Endless recursion of Bandages, fill the bag up with 10 Blessed Tokens with Spirit of Humanity. This also procs Vincent's ability, giving you endless On the Mend (Unexpected Courage). You'll need someway to offset the horror damage, though.

What's the meaning of "endless recursion"? Did you miss that you cannot return Well-Maintained itself? — elkeinkrad · 499
You can't take Spirit of Humanity on Vincent as it's a level 2 Survivor card. — HungryColquhoun · 8340
Vincent can take cards that "heal damage" level 0-5, so Spirit of Humanity should be possible. But I'n unsure how you want to recur Well-Maintaned often. — Miroque · 25
All you would need for the endless bless token cycle is spirit of humanity + Jessica Hyde + Petey Boi + Charisma. No need to fluff about with recursion. — Sengy · 2
Living Ink

One of the best, if not the most versatile customisable card in the set for support investigators. By itself, it's: pay a card and an action to give you +1 to a relevant stat for your next 8+ actions, which is a more than decent value for a level 0 card. But things go crazy if you combo the different mods together later on:

If you play with highly specialized investigators (5 in one stats, below average in the rest), you can permanently give them a +2 against the mythos with "Shifting ink, Subtle Depiction, Vibrancy, Eldritch ink (2)". You choose mind + foot as selected skill. Round start: they have some treacheries involving tests with those two stats, and when their turn start, they just use the Subtle Depiction effect and ignore the negative effects on fist and book. Since they never consume their charge, the asset is basically permanent. Or if they have to pass a specific test during their turn, they can still keep the +2 and apply -1 to their main stats to do whatever they want to do.

Else, if you play with flex characters (generally survivor & rogues who hit between 4 & 6), you can still give them +1 to fist + book & use Macabre depiction, so they are virtually have an endless supply of charge, as long as they draw one symbol a turn. And that +1 is often the difference for those flex characters to reliably pass any tests they get.

Imbued Ink is the only mod you'll probably never take, except for Akachi if you plan to instantly discard it for 6 resources. Body assets are rare and not often that useful late in the campaign, since they are too comboish, or cost too much for what they bring. However, arcane assets tend to be more relevant no matter your class for the last few scenarios.

At worse, it's a 0 cost asset that is a fodder against bad treacheries & investigators' ability (dexter). Give it a shot.

mugu · 223
One thing is unclear to me: nothing on the card says that you loose the +1 at the end of your turn, right? So technically, you get a +2 after 2 turns? And then you spend the last charge, discard and loose it? This is so poorly written. — Portinou · 1823
You don't spend a charge the turn you play it, but spending the charge is not linked to the stat boost. So you get the boost the turn you play it, and the two turns after, then it discards itself at the start of your third turn. — sirtommygunn · 7
Good way to stack willpower and/or agility in Sefina, and I think Imbued Ink is pretty good there. Two extra rounds is a pretty significant boost if you can spare the arcane slot. — Zinjanthropus · 229
Could you still trigger this with lola if you are not a mystic? — azrailx · 1
Lola cannot play Living Ink or trigger Macabre Depiction while not in the Mystic role. All other effects of the card should continue as normal, regardless of her role. — Linderwood · 7
Playing with Bless or Curse tokens adds symbols to the bag, making Macabre Depiction more enticing. I'm running this in Mateo / Ancient Covenant to boost Intellect (he has other ways to boost Willpower). — DrMChristopher · 494
The instructions to remove one charge feel like they need the keyword: Forced. — Taevus · 775
I have a question: If you play this card, say, as the first action in your turn, then in that turn you wouldn't have to remove a charge because "the start of yout turn" would already have happened, right? So that would be 2 actions + 9 actions (three actions for the next three turns) with the bonus? — brubsdormeles · 1