I reached out to FFG through their form regarding this card and got the following, the latter half being specific to Soul Sanctification.
Q: Can you play a card or use an action to heal while at full health/sanity? I.e. Playing Soothing Melody to draw a card while at full health/sanity.
A: No, you cannot normally heal a card that is at full health/sanity.
Q: While you have Soul Sanctification in play, can you play a card or use an action to heal your investigator while your investigator is at full health/sanity? For example, can I play Emergency Aid on my full health investigator to generate two resources on Soul Sanctification?
A: Yes—Soul Sanctification makes a specific exception to the rule I stated previously. With Soul Sanctification, you are able to "heal” your investigator even if you are at full health/sanity, and place any excess points healed onto Soul Sanctification as an offering. Emergency Aid would place 2 offerings on SS.