Reality Acid

You should probably take Olive McBride for maximum randomness. Or try to control it with Premonition and then pick your weakness (with Friends in Low Places, interestingly both signature and weakness of Suzi have the same trait : Power) ?

Emmental · 129
If you want to draw your weakness controlled Mr. Rook or Daredevil would be better choices. — TCONE · 1
Live and Learn

The second answer from FAQ no longer valid: Question: Hello. Can you clarify interaction between Quick Learner and Live and Learn? In Live and learn faq you answered that "an action that is a skill test (such as Investigate or Fight) ends at the same time that the skill test ends". If i fail the first action and play Live and Learn my first action ended and new skill test is proceeding after first action - so, if I am right, it has no penalty from quick learner. Is it true?

To answer your question(s): No. The failed skill test and the test from Live and Learn are part of the same action, and would have the +1 difficulty from Quick Learner.

Sincerely, Alex Werner, FFG Game Rules Specialist

Arching · 7
Obsidian Bracelet

With "The Scarlett Keys Investigator Expansion" The Hungering Blade gets quite nice new synergy support.

Obsidian Bracelet is cost efficient soak because it can tank Bloodlust. Bloodlust is a treachery and the bracelet gives soak to treachery horror.

Great synergy exists with Hunter's Armor with the "Hexdrinker (3)" upgrade. It says "Hexdrinker. After 1 or more damage or horror is assigned to Hunter's Armor from a treachery effect, you may exhaust it to draw 1 card." This compensates for the dead draw of Bloodlust.

This might be quite effective with tanky builds for e.g. Tommy Muldoon.

As much as I like the combo it's some drawbacks: 4 cards to support a single copy card weapon. It ain't chip either. — bugiel_marek · 23
Ceremonial Sickle

So, I have a question about this card. Apparently the comments here suggest that you can't use the second ability on the same round as when you used the first, but only the top ability required you to exhaust the card.

As I understand it, you could deal 2 damage on the first action, and then 1 damage on the second action to clear of that doom . The only thing you can't do is use the first action twice on the same round. Right?

You're right, even if only 1 combat skill bonus with 1 damage source... If an enemy is defeated, first ability can be used once more because Cickle is ready! — elkeinkrad · 499
However, I think, both "2 damage per action for each round" and "3 damge per two actions (for each round)" are pretty bad, considering 4xp and possible doom cost. — elkeinkrad · 499
Although you can use the first option more than once in a round if you have a way to ready the sickle, such as Sin-Eater. — Yellow_Peril · 1

How does this work with say, Book of Shadows, if you have 3 arcane slots filled? Would you have to discard one arcane slotted card? Or choose 2 to use, and one becomes unavailable? 200200200200200200200200

You would indeed need to discard a card, that occupies one of the slots. (This question would have been likely answered much quicker in the rules forum of this game on BGG. Also, Reddit has an active community, though I have no experience with it.) — Susumu · 371