She's a junkyard dog lookin' for snacks in all the wrong places! He's a rookie cop from the wrong side of the tracks!
They Fight Crime!
Yorick's career-minded brother joins the battle, and the similarities are plentiful. Both are blue-and-red. Both wallop baddies. Both are 8/6 Health/Sanity. Both are 4/3/3/2 in Combat/Willpower/Something/Something. Both laugh at the "discard pile". And both are Tanks.
There's a divergence of method, though: where William wants to run cheap with welfare, fire safety, the CIA, and cutlery, Tommy here wants to run rich, with dogs, cops, clergy, the FBI, and different cutlery.
A few notes:
- Tommy wants assets, so he can- and should- plan ahead. This lets him go full doomsday prepper.
- Tommy wants lots of friends. Exploding priests aside, dogs cops & feds are non-unique, so double away!
- Card-economy is Tommy's weak suit. He's got money, and encouraging attacks generates action economy, but defeated assets that go into the deck still need to get thinly-drawn.
- His rifle is a pretty nice girl, but she doesn't have a lot to say. If a cheap reloadable .45 with 2 bullets that hates Survival Knife is your thing, go for it.
- Mistakes will be made. But short of encounters, this is the only way you can unintentionally lose a health-havin' asset to the discard pile, so the usual survivor recursion tricks are of questionable value.
- In multiplayer, there's more baddies, and tanky characters can afford to drag enemies into the same room. Consider military equipment.
- Lastly, one thing both Tommy & William can agree on is that Best Ally is Mr. Pawterson.