Play this immediately before Rite of Sanctification in William Yorick or Tommy Muldoon, then enjoy the great economy. At some point you will stop needing the resources, but you can pay for your friends' cards, so this combo remains useful forever.
Los. Błogosławiony.
Cost: 2.
Szybka. Zagraj podczas dowolnego okna .
Dodaj 4 żetony do worka chaosu.

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- Keep Faith (2) (The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion #124)
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I think it's fair to say that, with most of the Innsmouth cycle completed, given all the later packs only include XP cards, that this is the best Bless Token generator at level 0. It's fast, so you only spend 1 card and 2 resources to get 40% of the maximum allowable tokens into the bag. Scrounge for Supplies and Resourceful can both get this back to you at the cost of an action. Preston Fairmont can take Ancient Covenant and pay for Leo De Luca very easily to afford Scrounging for this, though his Resourcefulness isn't quite as reliable (but can definitely work with some moderate boosting from a Mariner's Compass, Fire Axe, and/or Well Connected). William Yorick can take either the Ancient Covenant or the Sacred Covenant, and has access to both pools of Bless Token cards, including the resource saver Rite of Sanctification. Father Mateo can use this in combination with Blessing of Isis to trigger his Elder Sign ability way more consistently. I think the absolute top dog for this, though, is the rookie cop Tommy Muldoon, who can take almost any worthwhile Bless Token card in either of his classes and has the resource generation to back it up.
Worth noting also is that Tempt Fate is another level 0 card for Scrounging purposes, but with Keep Faith in the same deck, I see it being the more likely target. Still, Tempt Fate costs 0 instead of 2 and draws you a card, so having that option is nice. I doubt any Bless token deck wouldn't include both if it could (sorry Sister Mary).
A Preston blessing deck is extremely viable, based on ancient covenant getting you to a 3 when you need it. And this card is the cornerstone. Unlike most characters with survivor access, cash aint an issue when it comes to playing it. Use resourceful on other investigators test to recur it.