Sparrow Mask

I don't think it can be overstated how powerful this card will be for either both front options for Agnes (with regular back). She will be able to test most of her Willpower tests at an effective base of 7.

Regular Agnes: If you can take horror regularly enough (Ward of Protection, Forbidden Knowledge etc), she can get multiple uses a turn.

Parallel Agnes: Due to being able to choose when to deal damage to herself, I think Parallel Agnes is even stronger. Assuming she has the soak available (which she should, it's an Agnes deck), she should be able to improve every test she has to make.

Another combo I thought of that Benwobbles didn't also mention, you can also use Smoking Pipe/Painkillers as batteries for this.

TrisJ1 · 8
Using this now with Parallel Agnes on a run through the Innsmouth Conspiracy and this card seems like it was made for our favorite waitress. My initial design was for only 5 skill cards and it has really worked out well. A super combo with Drain Essence and Bandages. Depending on the spell mix this mask can easily be triggered for every test you need to take in a turn. — Staticalchemist · 1
What's up with the border, the golden border, on this cards commit Agility icon? Is it just me or does this card have a unique golden border for some unexplained is reason? — Quantallar · 8
"Hit me!"

In Night of the Zealot, Midnight Masks, playing standard difficulty.

Imagine you are testing 3 vs 3. For instance, Wendy or Skids has 3 and wants to investigate a shroud 3 location. You draw a -1 and you would fail. There are 15 remaining tokens in the bag. Playing Hit me would draw the next probabilities.

-2/15 -> you fail.

-2/15 drawing the 0 -> you fail

-1/15 drawing the

-1/15 drawing the , maybe you succeed (depends on the effect)

-9/15 remaining tokens. Prob success= 60%.

In Dunwich, playing Ashcan Pete in Standard difficulty. Imagine you investigate with Duke 4 v 4. You draw a -1. Hit me! There are 14 remaining tokens. Only the zeros, the skulls and the autofail make you fail. That is 65% probs of success.

This card can make you pass a -1 fail. I guess this card gets better if:

1-your elder sign is powerful and cause you to pass (Skids, Ashcan Pete, Will Yorick, ...)

2-If you play expert there are less zeros

3-You want to succeed by something and there are a lot of negatives in the bag. Maybe you draw the -4 and activate some succeed by 3 effect.

I can't see many scenarios where this is better than Lucky. Ok, Lucky is fantastic. But this card is not reliable, nor unplayable. I think you might play it if you like gambling.

MarcMF2 · 6
Whitton Greene

Currently running her in a Roland Banks deck to help me find my Cyclopean Hammer. I took her as a one-action, four-cost Well Prepared that can be used (hopefully) multiple times until you manage to find said weapon. Then she provides +1 willpower to help that same weapon hit harder, +1 intellect to help investigate when you're lacking enemies, and nice horror soak.


cheeky question: is Heroic Rescue affected by this? It does cause damage and horror, as the player playing it will take damage and/or horror when trying to save a fellow investigator. I'm sure it doesn't work but thought I'd ask lol.

Krysmopompas · 360
Should be fine - Heroic Rescue doesn't affect the other investigator. — TheNameWasTaken · 3
I strongly disagree with TheNameWasTaken: you are taking an attack, another investigator would have to resolve instead otherwise. This should not work for sure with Self-Centered in play. — Susumu · 371
as per FAQ, you play as if you are the only investigator in the game. Ergo, there is no "other investigator" to heoricaly rescue — Adny · 1
This is analogous to Crack the Case from the FAQ. You're simply reacting to a timing window caused by another investigator, which is allowed for the same reason you can play Crack the Case on another investigator's clue discovery. Nothing about Heroic Rescue affects the other investigator, it purely affects the enemy. — suika · 9483
You're not allowed to "manipulate cards in a player's ... threat area" or to "redirect damage or horror that would be dealt to another investigator" (which I presume includes redirecting attacks), so the only thing Heroic Rescue could possibly do is the 1 damage. The question is whether the "except aspects that cause damage or horror" clause works if the damage or horror is being dealt to an enemy rather than an investigator or asset. — Thatwasademo · 58
Oh, except the card uses the word "Then", so because you're not allowed to do anything before "then", you can't do the damage -- so the card's effect wouldn't change the game state, and you can't play it. — Thatwasademo · 58
you can play crack the case, because the trigger is the removal of the last clue on a location. It doesn't care how the clue was removed. But you cannot choose another investigator, which is part of the trigger on heroic rescue — Adny · 1
I wasn't aware there was a FAQ for this. With the way the FAQ is laid out, both of the pre-then aspects of Heroic Rescue do count as affecting the other investigator, so you can't do them. — TheNameWasTaken · 3
Hiding Spot

This card works very well with Parallel "Ashcan" Pete front. You can basically ignore non-Elite enemy for the rest of the game by recycling and playing this card each turn. Add also Chitarra di Pete and Trappola Improvvisata and you basically have full control of enemies without dealing damages directly to them.