I would like to add a bit about the □ Jaws that Snatch command. Both Fight and Evade have perks (Ignores Aloof, Retaliate / Alert) but the Evade one still has a bit more advantage that you can attempt the Evade even without engaging the enemy first. (e.g. While you can always Fight unengaged enemy and risk the friendly-fire as per normal game rule)
I was playing 4 players and this was useful to remotely, repeatedly peel off an enemy from Seeker, or from Guardian which would like to play some Asset before going back to fight or would like Retaliate disabled. I can left the servitor as a bodyguard around those in need. □ Armored Carapace is also handy to take treachery failing damage for that Seeker. So if you want to invest minimal XP, I think just Armor + Jaws is quite a serviceable combo that can mitigate a lot of hurt.