The good -- +6 resources from one card, and they're shareable. Drawn early, it can help everyone set up crucial assets. Drawn later, it can pad out passive big money bonuses, or fuel a deck based on expensive events or consumables without taking up too many card slots, or bail out someone who got resource-screwed by the mythos.
The bad -- If you replace two emergency caches with one bank job, you do free up a deck slot, but also create a "feast or famine" situation where you're more likely to be either flooded or starved. The upfront cost makes matters worse here too. If you went to 0 resources before drawing this, then taking two resource actions before playing it cannot be done in a normal turn.
The ugly -- finding two actions for an event is just really hard, especially an AoO provoking event that does not advance the board state. If you need the money to get some other asset in play this just compounds the problem.
This will be playable for basically everyone with rogue access, but I think it will shine most in decks that have plenty of bonus actions to make the double less problematic, and even more than cards it will shine when you can reliably find it early. Fortunately as an illicit level 0 rogue event, there are lots of enablers and synergies available.
You can tutor for this with Underworld Market, Friends in Low Places, or Finn's Smuggled Goods . It is also a great find during a Black Market setup round; if the group is together then any one investigator who finds time to play it can fund the others to bring out the rest of the revealed cards.
If you use this to raise cash to play Leo De Luca, he'll refund you one action on the back end. "Skids" O'Toole can also refund his action immediately if he doesn't need that much money. The same applies if you need the money to turn on The Black Fan. Bob Jenkins may find the double action tolerable considering that he can cheat out a free item afterwards.
Once you get some XP there are a variety of ways one could shave off an action by playing the event itself as part of something else. You still have to pay the additional action cost, but it's much more tolerable if you can cheat on the basic play action first. Mandy Thompson can run this and with Old Book of Lore (3) can spend two actions (one on the book, one of the job) to play this at 0 resource cost and then throw down another big asset at the same time. Or, with Prompt+Swift Friends in Low Places a mono-green character can snag a pile of resources in one action while loading their hand with other illicit goodies (and maybe other items or tricks) at the same time. Honed Instinct with "muscle memory" is another way to compress your setup time a bit when you are resource rich. And, though I don't expect Trigger Man and [Summoned Servitor] (/card/09080) to see much play, this will feel nicer if you do have an ally cranking out actions for you, too.