Not much going on this card for review purposes....
Let me get it in then:
1) Tempo:
you start the game quicker, effectively like an automatic Emergency Cache (no action to get 2 resources), rather than 1 action to get 3. Decks running expensive cards like Leo De Luca can play him straight out of the hand, without losing tempo by getting resources first.
2) Choices choices:
It is permanent so doesn't take up a card slot, so you don't have to choose between sacrificing your favourite cards.
3) Investigator/campaign/scenario dependent:
It could be an option if you choose to go through The Forgotten Age without getting many rations: you'll be less affected when you start a scenario with fewer resources. Could have a niche role to play in an expensive Lola Hayes deck.
In the Rogue deck there are generally much better options around, i can't think of many times i'd want to spend 3xp for this card over a Hot Streak or just saving up for Double, Double or The Gold Pocket Watch. Late in the game, most Rogue decks will have ways of getting resources.
One question though, does Preston Fairmont get these extra resources in his resource pool or on Family Inheritance? My take is that they would be in his resource pool.