


Odkrycie - Umieść Sparaliżowanego ze strachu w grze, na twoim obszarze zagrożenia.

Pierwsze wykonanie jednej z następujących akcji (ruch, walka, lub wymykanie się) w każdej rundzie, kosztuje 1 dodatkową akcję.

Wymuszony - koniec twojej tury: wykonaj test (3). Jeśli test zakończy się sukcesem, odrzuć Sparaliżowanego ze strachu.

Anders Finer
Podstawka #164. Paniczny strach #4-5.
Sparaliżowany ze strachu


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Also applies to card abilities with action designators (Move, Fight, Evade).

  • Multiple copies of Frozen in Fear stack: if you draw a second copy, it enters play in your threat area; then the first move, fight, or evade action you perform each turn costs 2 additional actions, and at the end of your turn you perform two separate tests, one for each copy of Frozen in Fear in your threat area.

  • Q: Per FAQ 2.0 entry 2.19 "Take an action" vs "Perform/resolve an action"] we are told to distinguish between effects that instruct a player to perform an action and ones that instruct a player to take an action. The implication appears to be that only the former are intended to "count" for effects that count how many actions have been taken so far in a turn. However, the most commonly played card that counts actions taken, Pay Day, actually counts how many actions have been "performed". Is that simply imprecise templating? Similarly Frozen in Fear triggers when actions are "performed" despite the common understanding that only abilities that cost actions in the first place can be taxed by FiF. Finally, and in the same vein, bold action designators on free triggered abilities or reactions also "perform" actions. Am I correct that they are not intended to be taxed by FiF or count towards Pay Day? A: Frozen in Fear requires 1 additional action to be spent when performing basic actions, granted actions, or Free Triggered Ability actions of the specified types. We have decided on the following clarifications for Pay Day:

    • Pay Day will grant 1 resource for each basic action taken, any effect that states “perform an X action”, any effect that states “take an X action”, and Free Triggered Abilities with a bold action trigger.
    • Pay Day will NOT grant resources for Fast cards played or “action triggered abilities” that require multiple player actions to be spent on a single action performed (ex. the second ability on Sledgehammer that only counts as one Fight action).
  • Follow-up Q: To be completely clear, does Frozen in Fear make the move granted from Shortcut cost an action or not? A: Yes, the move on Shortcut (2) would then cost an action.

Last updated


The bane of Rogues everywhere. This card, along with Rotting Remains, make Finn have trouble sleeping at night. You're going to be doing those sorts of tests more often than not, so having an answer for this card is important. Notable interaction: Momentum - Use Lockpicks or something to oversucceed by 3 as your last action, then test Frozen in Fear at difficulty 0!

KasaiAisu · 41
You could also include Logical Reasoning to deal with it as well. Finn and Tony can both manage that. For Preston, well, I hope you packed some "You handle this one!"s or else pump a bunch of resources into Dig Deep (or save them for Well Connected, but that might take a long while to clear if you get this early). Wini's 1 will, I've said before, is more like 3 because all of her stats go much further than normal (due to her high draw and desire to commit). Wini can reliably break this. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Momentum says "This Phase." — MrGoldbee · 1470
"At the end of your turn" is still within the Investigation phase, so this seems absolutely legit. — Susumu · 371
@ StyxTBeuford: a 3 vs. 3 is still a terrible test. And I don't think, Wini would like to pack lots of will icons into her deck, so she would have to sacrifice valuble wilds on a test, she likely fails anyway. Preston on the other hand can safe up some resources to push the test reliable, or if he is Dark Horse, push himself up to 5 with "Rise to the Occasion". I think, the Momentum-trick is a great find, particularly for Wini. — Susumu · 371
You commit a little extra for Wini if you really need to is what I was getting at. I wouldn’t commit 2 to get 3v3, but if I commit 3 cards to get me to maybe 2 up, that’s not too bad, and you still draw a card. Her draw makes it so that high committing on a 1 isn’t that costly. Plus her signature is great for these kinds of tests. I do agree that Momentum is the best way to go. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Plus Wini takes Momentum typically anyway. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Just rush for two Sure Gambles as the cheapest and most reliable way to break this on Winifred or Finn. — suika · 9484

Cross-listing a ruling here from the Duke page:

If you have Frozen in Fear in your threat area, using Duke’s first ability [Fight] would require spending an additional action, as it is a bold action matching Frozen in Fear's restriction. Using Duke's second ability is an action that does not match Frozen in Fear's restriction, so it does not require spending an additional action.

This squares with the rulings above, that the bold action designator is the critical part, and not the fact that you end up in a different location. So Duke is as much an emotional support dog as a bloodhound.

Frozen in fur. — MrGoldbee · 1470