
It's more or less a Resourceful but for spells. Being , it has a game attached to it. I think this is mostly a chaos bag Mystic kind of card, most likely limited to Jacqueline, but fun if you like gambling. Most Mystics will prefer to take Fearless, Guts (2), or maybe Defiance for a willpower boost.

It's important to note that you do NOT need to succeed your test to get your spell. — AlexP · 252
I think this card is less useful than at first glance. Remember that your spells do not get discarded because they run out of charges/secrets. This is a nice EVENT spell fetcher. — dlikos · 160
There are plenty of amazing spell events to get back and if you're the primary blaster you can run through charges, load the next copy and still want to get the first one back — Timlagor · 5
There are quite a few ways to 'force' this too. Scrying mirrors are probably the strongest. — Timlagor · 5
Parallel Fates

This is a flavorful card, but I'm not sure how effective it is outside of Jacqueline or another chaos bag manipulation Mystic. It's also of less use in Solo, since you can't parcel out the cards to the investigators best suited to withstand them, although knowing what the next 4 Mythos Phases are going to spit out isn't nothing (always assuming the Act or Agenda doesn't reshuffle the Encounter Deck before you get to the 4th Round).

It's most similar to First Watch, with -1 cost, requires an action, has a "bad stuff token" test, and always looks at 4 cards. In 4-player, First Watch is much better, in 2-player, Parallel Fates lets you pick between investigators for 2 turns, so it probably edges the card out.

Gloria Goldberg might like this, since it synergies with her ability, although she'll need chaos bag support to make it really work. All in all, this might have a few too many moving pieces to be a mainstay, and I'd be happier if it was Fast or didn't have the token pull, but maybe future cards will make it more reliable.

I agree this card really needs fast to make it viable and fun. It still wouldn't be particularly powerful. — housh · 171
Don't forget that it is worthwhile even if the agenda advances and reshuffles. If you see a card you don't have an answer for, push it to the bottom and let the agenda reshuffle it. It's a bit jank, but I've done it with Scrying and it can be helpful to avoid certain treacheries you just don't have the patience for. — LaRoix · 1645
Look at top 4. Works with Mandy? — petercheungjr · 1
It doesn't say "search", so my understanding is that you cannot use Mandy's ability with this card. — snacc · 1008
Ineffable Truth

Pretty much everything that one can say for the Level-0 Version, but more so. How does it stack up to Mists of R'lyeh (4)?

  • Costs 1 more XP
  • Costs 1 more resource
  • Has 2 fewer charges
  • Doesn't give you a free move
  • Does 2 points of damage
  • Might cost an extra 2 resources if you draw an , +1, or 0

This is looking like a less attractive upgrade, especially since a bad draw with Mists (4) still only costs you 1 card. Alternatively, if you compare it to Ineffable Truth (3), you are getting a +1 and +1 damage for a cost of 2 XP and the risk of an extra resource lost on an unfortunate token pull. I suspect it will take a very specific deck to want to upgrade beyond the 3-level version of the card. I guess Meat Cleaver Agnes can use this to do 8 damage to an enemy in 1 turn, leaving it exhausted at the end, but Agnes has a lot of ways to hand out hurt.

It also doesn't compare all that well to the higher-level versions of Mists, although you probably want to look at Ruduen's comments on the "good token" vs "bad token" suite in the Azure Flame review.

Obviously, 2x Arcane Research mitigates some of the extra XP issues, but you could still be spending that XP on cards that provide a bit more punch for the cost.

TL;DR? Level-0 is fine, but, if you are going to upgrade, you might want to stop at the 3 XP version.

Sure, it has an increased penalty while Mists4 doesn’t, but Mists4 also doesn’t have an increased upside. If you are JUST taking these for the evade effect, Mists was always a more efficient option, but 1) unlike the 0 or 3, this 5 deals 2 damage, and 2) it is easy to mitigate the penalty by just having 1 or 0 resources. — Death by Chocolate · 1485
True, but how often is “Evade and do 2 damage” something you want to do? Hitting for 1 Damage is a nice setup for getting rid of a 3-health enemy, but 2 is awkwardly extravagant. It would be useful for taking down a 5- or 7-health Elite, but surely you would want more attack power in that case. — LivefromBenefitSt · 1067
we generally play with a limited card pool, which is tied to the campaign we're running (e.g. TCU = New Core set, Solo Investigator Packs, and TCU/RTCU) and aside from being a way more fun and thematic way to run the game for us (way less overpowering and going back to the same cards), it means we need to try new things. This card in TCU isn't bad, my Mystic is using it to evade the Watcher and eventually off it, as well as dealing with other Hunters in a decent way. — Krysmopompas · 360
A Test of Will

Normally, I'd would entertain the idea of having a chance to not exile a card, especially if it's determined by a moderate difficulty test of a skill that many investigators in this class excel in, and also gain a 1 resource discount for 1 additional XP.

But the very same pack that introduces this card also contains a card that lets you return its cheaper variant back to your deck for FREE in between scenarios. Both copies, potentially. Understandably, you might not have Unspeakable Oath, or maybe, you really don't want to chance exiling your Test of Will. This pack gives you an even CHEAPER alternative with the exact same effect. The only thing that this card affords you over its Lvl 0 version is that the effect is guaranteed to happen in Lvl 2, but then you have to pass the exact same test in order to keep it from being exiled. If you weren't confident enough in passing that test to settle for the Lvl. 0 version, what makes you think that you can salvage the Lvl 2? In that case, you're just flushing an extra XP down the drain; I'd rather take my chances on the Lvl 0.

The biggest benefit this card is supposed to give you is saving your XP from having to dump it into upkeeping its exiles, and you know what, if you just bought 1 copy for the fun of it and wanted to see how far you could get without losing it, then sure, this card obviously has more sustainability over time than Lvl 1. But if you're including this in an exile deck or planning on buying 2 of these, just use Lvl 0 for lower difficulties and Lvl 1 + Deja Vu for higher difficulties. This card really has no place in your deck given the alternatives. If you don't have Unbreakable Oath, just pretend these cards are Lvl 1 problem solved :)

TheDoc37 · 468
Generally agree, although one thing to note as Stella, if you have this a test of will, and commit "neither rain not snow" you essentially autopass, because even if you fail, you cancel the treachery and don't exile the card — NarkasisBroon · 10
Damn, good point Nark! — MrGoldbee · 1472
It definitely fits a new design space that I am unsure how I feel about. 2 XP in Survivor gets you so many good cards, it seems like either going hard into Exile or just stiicking with Level-0 is more attractive. — LivefromBenefitSt · 1067
Deja Vu also exists, and if I have that card already, I think I prefer unsure if exile over unsure if cancel — StyxTBeuford · 13028
But, if you are going with Déjà Vu, you've already committed to Exiling cards. You might as well go with Test of Will (1), because you can replace it for free. ToW (2) just lets you gamble with XP, which isn't that fun a game from where I'm standing. If I want 2 XP Exiles, I think Fortune or Fate or Stroke of Luck are better choices, but that's me. — LivefromBenefitSt · 1067
If your willpower is high enough, it becomes an XP savings in the long run since you will almost always pass that test. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Take Deju Vu twice and just leave yourself open to get 2 xp exile cards back, if all of them are conditional then you don't want them all to exile in the same game so having random chance attached to each one is good. — Zerogrim · 295
I think 2 Déjà Vu would just give you 1 XP for 6 cards. If you are examining six cards per scenario, that is impressive. — LivefromBenefitSt · 1067
only other benefit I see with this one is again for Stella - she plays this with the intention of failing the Will test, meaning she cancels the revelation effect and gets an extra action during her turn that round. Maybe expensive for the 2xp (even with the Deja Vu discount), but something to consider if you like more actions at critical moments. — Krysmopompas · 360
There is one additional benefit to this version over the lvl 0 in Stella. If she commits her signature and fails she gets to keep this card, cancel the encounter, and gets the extra action on her turn. — jsronce · 1
One other difference: This card doesn't need resources to play it, which could be important for a Dark Horse build. — fuzzlepuzzle · 1
With or without XP, all you can do is resist. — MrGoldbee · 1472
The Skeleton Key

TL;DR: Think of the key as a late-mission MP support Event, not an Asset. It competes with no slots, and you don't have to play it until/unless it's needed. If 3R and 1 action to trivialize an entire 3+ Shroud 8+ Clue location for EVERYBODY in your party seems worth it, then it doesn't matter when you draw your one copy- you'll always be happy to see it.


I recently completed a 3P Carcosa as Tony Morgan; the key here was a late upgrade in the "eh why not" vein after getting all his other needed upgrades. It ended up being a relief to see on each remaining mission.

Left me wondering why it never really got much in the way of reviews, but I think I can see why- it looks deceptively cumbersome. 3R to play, 2 actions to place & recover, only 1 per deck, Lockpicks exist, etc. But here's the thing: in 3-4 player MP, all of these become unimportant... a single use of the key will pay for itself.

  • Fast. No need to play it til you need it, and ultimately costs only 1 action to place it at a destination.
  • NO SLOT. Did you notice that? Some assume the key is an Accessory or Hand item at a glance, and thus in competition.
  • Item. You can tutor it with Backpack, which many Rogues enjoy running.
  • You likely want it late. High-shroud spots often reveal near end of mission. This reduces the 1-per-deck risk.
  • Scales hugely in MP.

That last one's the biggy. It's rare that a campaign doesn't have at least one location with 3+ shroud and 2+/Investigator clues. In SP you can clear that with an event or skills. In 4P though, the Skeleton Key becomes an 8-charge Flashlight that your whole party can use in addition to any other investigation skills they have.

If you can get the key to work on 1 hard room in a mission in 3-4 player MP, it's a terrific and reliable value. The uninstall/reinstall effect is neat, but distracts from the fact that it should pay for itself with a single use.

(FUN FACT: Preston & Dexter & Sefina aside, everyone who can take the Key has 3+ base INT, and is thus themselves now investigating at a minimum of +2 after using it.)

(edited to add Sefina to sub-3 INT investigators, thanks to all who noted this in comments!)

HanoverFist · 740
When I learned about Skeleton Key I was really excited because it could pair with the Ornate Bow and make the loss the Lockpicks not that big of a deal. But I only play 2 handed solo so it just didn't have the payoff since there just aren't enough clues at one location to justify using it. It might still work in some Rogue decks that have a bunch of extra actions like Leo DeLuca, Haste, Quick Thinking or other free action cards. Maybe I will design a deck with that in mind and make Skeleton Key an element of the cluegetting. — The Lynx · 980
Smart thinking! The key goes nicely w/ 2H rogues who like the Bow, Typewriter, or .45 Thompson. But yeah, in 2P it may still be a tossup as to whether you'd want it, or another copy of something like Followed to scoop clues from high-shroud spots. — HanoverFist · 740
everyone who can take the Key has 3+ base INT, and is thus themselves now investigating at a minimum of +2 after using it.) — MrGoldbee · 1472
Not Sefina! — MrGoldbee · 1472
Preston, Sef, and Dex. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Of course, Preston and Sefina can use Lola Santiago, who still likes the reduced shroud; and Sefina and Dex can use spells to investigate at 4 or 5 vs 1. — Yenreb · 15
Lola combo is CLUTCH. — MrGoldbee · 1472
It has the keyword fast — Arkham Addict · 1
It has the keyword fast, does that mean once you have paid the resource and card actions for it, it costs no further actions to play? — Arkham Addict · 1
A fast card does not cost an action to be played and is not played using the “Play” action. A fast asset may be played by an investigator during any player window on his or her turn. — flooze · 7
Skeleton Key combos with Look What I Found, as well, turning into 2 guaranteed clues regardless of shroud value. — Blackhaven · 9