Mesmeric Influence

Keywords that this ignores, by my interpretation: Peril (!), Alert, Retaliate, Elusive, Haunted

Keywords that this does not ignore: Aloof (cannot even trigger the fight/evade to initiate the test), Exile (cannot be ignored per new Errata), Surge (triggers before the skill test), Swarming (triggers when the enemy spawns)

Keywords that probably aren’t ignored: Victory/Vengeance (adding to the victory display could be a "keyword effect that would trigger during the test" depending on interpretation)

As far as I know, this is the only card in the game that can ignore (your own) peril effect. This is interesting and allows the other investigators to help your decision and commit cards to your peril, but not necessarily that strong. Of the other keywords, ignoring Elusive seems the strongest, and ignoring Alert/Retaliate/Haunted seem like very minor bonuses because you're trying not to fail the skill test anyway.

As for location effects that would trigger during a skill test: Other than Obscuring Fog in the Core set, this seems pretty rare, since a large number of location effects happen before the skill test anyway. And Read the Signs is just a much better solution in most cases.

I think the rarity of actually activating the effect makes it hard to justify including over other options such as Unexpected Courage. On the other hand, if it were 0 exp like Unexpected Courage it would be an auto-include in almost any Willpower character, so I think the power level is in the right spot.

In Diana, this is slightly better, but per my interpretation Retaliate/Alert only trigger her ability if she fails the test because this does not ignore keyword effects that would not trigger. This makes it sort of awkward in that situation.

SliFi · 4
I would also allow this card to ignore the aloof keyword, because spectral razor seems to solve the same problem with initiating an fight, but the attack happens later. — Tharzax · 1
Spectral does that because it specifically says on the card you are allowed to do so before the fight action. This card doesn't say that. — Spamamdorf · 5
And it is a skill card, so you would be able to commit it only after starting the fight action - which you wouldn't be able to do if the enemy is aloof and no one's engaged to it. — Gsayer · 1
You are allowed to initiate a fight action against an aloof enemy, since this keyword says you can't perform an attack against them. The fight action starts an attempt to attack which success is determined by the skill test. If you commit mesmeric influence you can ignore the aloof keyword when you resolve the attacks effect. The question is, if the cannot from aloof triggers before the skill test or with it's effect. — Tharzax · 1
Aloof is not a keyword that triggers during a test. It is a keyword that bars you from doing the test in the first place. — Spamamdorf · 5
You can't initiate a fight action against an aloof enemy, it wouldn't change the game state - "An ability cannot initiate – and therefore its costs cannot be paid – if the resolution of its effect will not change the game state." — Gsayer · 1
You can otherwise you couldn't play spectral razor. But after some discussion I have to admit to be wrong. You can't use mesmeric influence on an aloof enemy, since aloof is an ongoing effect, which have no trigger according to the rules. — Tharzax · 1
The reason spectral razor works is because the card explicitly says on it that you're allowed to initiate the fight action and engage. — Spamamdorf · 5
No it say you can engage before attacking. It doesn't say anything about initiating a fight action. And aloof states you can't attack this enemy unless you are engaged. So you can initiate the fight action but aren't allowed to resolve the attack with a skill check. — Tharzax · 1
I suppose I should be even more clear: It explicitly says that before the fight action you are allowed to engage. It carves out a specific justification to allow you to play the card, where mesmeric does not. — Spamamdorf · 5
It don't say before the fight action, it says before the attack. This difference is well explained in the comments for spectral razor. — Tharzax · 1
Distinction without a difference. Comments are written by randoms and are not worth citing. — Spamamdorf · 5
Then probably just read the rules for "aloof" and "fight action" probably? — Tharzax · 1
I of course have, they don't contradict me. It says to fight you resolve an attack, thus a distinction with no difference. Perhaps you should read the golden rule where it says card text overrules rules text, very neatly solving the question of why spectral razor is allowed to work? — Spamamdorf · 5
Miracle Wish

Yes it's a weak card, but new ||Father Mateo with a help of advanced The Codex of Ages and Favor of the Sun can make it into two or three extra actions, and if you are playing parallel front you can even score 4 wishes, but then the payback isn't so great. Downside of this is the fact that parallel back doesn't get you 5xp which is I think much better. I would see it in a blessed team where Sis Mary takes Miracle Wish and Favor of the Sun and regular Father Mateo has advanced Codex of Ages which can get her an extra and then she can provide him the . Ultra niche but at least seems fun.

Drostt · 134
Drain Essence

It is a joy to use and contains strength of many different mechanics.

  • Moving damage to enemy is (virtually, not really) both fighting and healing at the same time. You can progress the scenario faster by using your health elsewhere (e.g. Taking attack of opportunity to do things) and throw the damage away later. A simple play is when trying to prepare Arcane Initiate to get defeated exactly, you would put the damage on you and 1 horror on it on taking the first 1/1 enemy attack.
  • Enemy can have damage counter greater than its health before it gets defeated, so even if you are trying to finish 1 HP enemy you can move up to 2 damage and get the card's worth.
  • Parley not requiring the engage, skips AoO, and no risk of friendly fire. You are free to choose the best enemy for the job if you are grouped up and opens up choices of turn ordering.
  • It patch up those with low health, and/or low (therefore got hit by more damage treacheries), but could access cards like Daisy Walker, Sister Mary, Sefina Rousseau, Norman Withers. If you have Arcane Initiate you can put one in the deck and expect your effective health to +2 as it now functions like a searchable soak.

The flexibility and value felt similar to Spectral Razor (0) which has many useful bits for same 2 cost to play : high boost, free engage, 3 damages. This box also came with Spectral Razor (2), so even if you have RCore only in addition, Shrivelling + Drain Essence + Spectral Razor (2) can defeat a lot of enemies.

Blinding Light gets dunked on once again. You can clearly see the contrast of Evade's inconveniences vs. Parley, just so you can exhaust and test with enemy's . (And also having to deal with the rebound condition.)

5argon · 10833
So, so helpful when a 5 health mystic gets a phys trauma. — MrGoldbee · 1473
How does this card interact with cards that triggers when healing damage / dealing damage to enemy? For example, Gray's Anatomy? It if works, this will be a good combo for my Daisy deck. — chic27 · 1
City of Gugs

What a strange and beautiful place. It looks like the little mermaid castle on the original poster. Or maybe this city is evocating something not very... suitable for children ? 200 - characters filler

Climooo · 14
Parking is a nightmare. — MrGoldbee · 1473
Kicking the Hornet's Nest

A little known fact: the person on the art of this card is actually Mandy Thompson!

She can run the card, and it has amazing synergy with her ability.

Actually, now I'm curious, do you get twice the recources and clues this way???

Rushional · 133
I’m receiving this particular advice as comedy rather than strategy, and it’s a hit by that standard. But if the rules question is sincere, I believe the answer is “yes.” If there are two non-Elite enemies in the top 9 cards, Mandy can probably draw them both and gain the additional resources and clue. Because she’s Mandy Thompson, she also has more direct methods of getting resources and clues without drawing two enemies, but I suspect the “then” clause renders the final bit part of resolving the additional target of the search. — Holy Outlaw · 269