Call of the Unknown

Unless it's the back end of a scenario, you're going to end up tanking the 2 horror at some point. It's usually too much tempo loss to constantly move and investigate, even for Ursula. And once you take that 2 horror, you can look forward to drawing this again. Really that's what you're trying to prevent by satisfying that Forced trigger every turn- card draw denial. It is incredibly annoying to top deck this several times in once scenario. That said, take Mr. "Rook" to soften the blow. Yes, the card will recur even after Rook takes the two horror, but at least you pulled two other cards while drawing this one. It's a very thematic and engaging weakness to play around. Just take care you don't get hit too many times.

StyxTBeuford · 13028
The Pathfinder asset for 1 xp is a great way to mitigate this weakness. Gives you a free move per turn. — Ezhaeu · 50
Pathfinder and Shortcut are such great Ursula cards to begin with, no doubt. But even with them you're using your free moves most of the time when dealing with this in a way that doesn't most effectively further the Act, and therefore you lose tempo. Unless it's near the end of a scenario, you're gonna eat the horror at some point, because the alternative is too terrible. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Jake Williams

Saying Jake Williams is bad because Dr. Milan Christopher exists seems incredibly unfair given the fact that Milan is basically the best Ally in the game. Even taking taboo out of the equation, Jake is still incredibly good with Milan in your deck even before grabbing Charisma. For one thing he can help you draw into your other Seeker allies (Milan, Rook, Horowitz). Revealing and putting locations into play is very easy thanks to Pathfinder and Shortcut. His soak and his AoO prevention is also HUGE for Ursula decks that aim to clean up a scenario quickly. It lets Ursula rely on her 4 more strongly, as she doesn't have to worry about losing as much tempo if the board gets cluttered. This is especially nice in true solo where one of the biggest issues a true solo deck can run into is being bogged down by too many enemies at once. Jake, alongside Ursula's free action, makes that so much less of a concern. Jake is incredibly good, and alongside the run of great Seeker allies Ursula can run makes Calling in Favors a very strong choice in Ursula decks.

StyxTBeuford · 13028
Song of the Dead

So I have question about a potential combo for this card. Jim can take Double or Nothing, Eldritch Inspiration and Seal of the Elder Sign. The latter allows him to guarantee drawing a skull, so that's three damage. EI could then be played to recur the skull effect for a further two damage. How would DoN then interact in that scenario ? Both it and EI have an effect to resolve an effect an additional time. The question then is which effect kicks in first. Does DoN double up all of the effects inc the additional two damage you get from playing EI, or would it merely double up the initial result of the attack ? Either option is pretty awesome of course, but one of them would deal 8 damage and the other would deal 10. Guaranteed !

Also, is there anything to stop you from playing two copies of EI on the same attack ? Depending on the interaction with DoN this could get you all the way up to 14 damage on a single action.

Sassenach · 179
My interpretation is that, Double or Nothing basically makes you resolve ST.7 twice. Everything that either resolves during ST.7, or directly changes what happens in ST.7, will be resolved twice. In this case, the effect of Skull with Song of the Dead is a token revelation effect, which resolves at ST.3, and it changes the effect of the test into "deal 1 + 2 damage". So if you double the Skull effect with Eldritch Inspiration, it changes the effect of the test into "deal 1 + 2 + 2 damage". This "1 + 2 + 2 damage" will then be resolved twice if you committed Double or Nothing. And yes, you can use 2 Eldritch Inspiration on the same trigger. RR, Reaction Opportunities, "Using a Reaction ability in response to a triggering condition does not prevent other Reaction abilities from being used in response to that same triggering condition." — ak45 · 456
I have a question about the wording on this card. Is the effect of the skull symbol dependent on a successful test, or is is it an effect that happens as a result of the token being revealed during the test regardless of success/failure? Example. Diana Stanley fighting Masked Hunter, 5 vs 4. Pull skull, -2 due to doom on cultist. Success = +2 damage, or failure =0 damage? — MagnusLothar · 1
You would have to succeed in the test, as the effect of pulling a skull gives that attack +2 damage. If you could fail and still have the bonus it would be worded as "deal 2 damage to that enemy"; similar to the curse based spells. — Jaysaber · 7
Jessica Hyde

Who would use this?

  1. Ashcan Pete: the combat bonus stacks with Duke, so he would strongly consider it.
  2. Calvin Wright: too weak early game but the repeated healing is good for his longevity and might make it worth it for him.
  3. Rita Young: she would rather have Peter Sylvester.
  4. Silas Marsh: he also needs more help with sanity than health.
  5. Wendy Adams: not interested.
  6. William Yorick: might use it in a build without the typical recurring allies.
  7. Agnes Baker: she’d Rather have Peter Sylvester.
  8. Minh Thi Phan: not interested, unless you really want to push her combat, a la Strange Solution.
  9. Preston Fairmont: hard to imagine him taking this but I could be wrong... the bonus is too little.
  10. Lola (silence)

I think Ashcan Pete and Calvin Wright are the most likely to use it.

jmmeye3 · 628
What about a Upgrade for Beat Cop? (Wiliam Yorick) — Lord Triloth · 2021
I think Beat Cop II is probably better for Yorick. Beat Cop II's ability is spectacular and has great synergy with Yorick, since he can recur it. Yorick definitely doesn't need the health from Jessica, either, as he can recycle Leather Coat and the like. — CaiusDrewart · 3168
That said, this is a great card and Pete is going to love it. — CaiusDrewart · 3168
Have Tommy Muldoon take her along with Peter (with Charisma) to enable god mode — Jermz238 · 1
I think it'll be great as a post Timeworn brand upgrade for Yorick, 2 Timworn brands + 2 beat cop(2) + charisma + 2 Jessica = 19 Xp, a very reasonable way to spend your XP from the first 2-4 scenarios — Tsuruki23 · 2547
@Jermz238 Tommy doesn't want his allies to heal, he wants them to die — neescher · 316
In The Forgotten Age, I would give it serious consideration in any Investigator that can take it. — Katsue · 10
Might be a half way decent ally for Meat Cleaver Agnes to take along with Charisma (Peter is probably more important without Charisma, though) — Zinjanthropus · 229
Agreed that while Lola can take this it is a bad fit. Lola has to end her turn as a survivor to get the heal in. Making Jessica a poor damage soak for her. Which means she is primarily a +1 fight, beat cop has passive rather than active soak, but costs one more. If upgrading cards to get the ally, Delilah costs the same amount of resources, has more soak and a +1 speed as well. Jessica is playable in a Lola deck, but, a low tier ally for her. — dkilkay · 4
Swift Reflexes

TL:DR, nice effect, there is not a character around that doesn't want this in their deck. Problem is that a free action, at that cost and a cardslot, probably not be what the doctor ordered, therefore it'll rarely see play.

Swift Reflexes is a free action, it even gives you some leeway in when it happens, sneaking actions into someone else's round, useful for example to grab an enemy or snipe a persistent encounter card so that another character might do their thing better. An extra attack, a move, actions are good.

But the problem is the economy, you get 3 actions per turn for a dozen+ turns every game "for free", paying 2 resources and a card is steep but fair, but can you spare the card slot?? You need those slots to build that carefully orchestrated deck, how valuable is that lone bonus action over, say, an extra card draw from a boosted action with one of the neutral skills on it? Do you have enough weapons? Most cards are about generating extra success value from every action, "More success in less actions", a flat +1 action is therefore weirdly often unhelpful, at such a steep cost that is.

Swift Reflexes has 2 on there, so it might reasonably replace a Manual Dexterity, run them together with Backstab to have a pretty good range of options.

It's not a bad card, it's mostly a case of an effect that in of itself is so small that I wonder if it'll be worth it's slot, at that price too. I would be glad to see an XP version that grants some bonuses during that extra action.

Edit: Some more experience.

I started finding more use for this card, mostly outside the faction. folks tend to pay through the nose for stuff, especially , which is where non-repeating extra actions really shine. Characters with large bonuses already will find Swift Reflexes much more routinely useful then those with 3 or less. Tony Morgan and Leo Anderson for example.

Tsuruki23 · 2547
I testes this card in Preston Fairmont and it was terrible. Even with a round of Trial by Fire I dont recommend this. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Tested* — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Agreed, Preston doesn’t want to buy actions since it costs him so much to use them. You want this on someone who already has high value actions, or who benefits from acting on someone else’s turn (such as by grabbing an enemy off their face). — Death by Chocolate · 1473
I think this could work well in a combat focused Jenny deck. She has all of the money too spend and getting an extra action during a critical round can be huge. I also like that it can sort of replace Manual Dexterity where the worst case is that you use it for 2 skill icons. — The Lynx · 979