There is a tradition with player cards, that they are kind of made for the investigator depicted on them. There are exceptions, as for instance Silas can't take upgraded Overpower, and even more so Sister Mary does not Keep Faith. But in general, it is rather the question, whether the character is even allowed to take the card, not if it would be really good for them.
There is another tradition, that sometimes player cards give hints for upcoming releases. Inspiring Presence from Carcosa foreshadows Leo Anderson in TFA. "Before the Black Throne" teased the Bonded mechanism with Hallowed Mirror and Occult Lexicon, which was a big thing in TDE. Tony from TDE got a Deep One enemy as his weakness, sadly not one with the signature ability of Deep Ones to do something bad on engagement. Lex Luthor from TFoHV is supposed to be somewhat linked to the Mafia themed next campaign...
Now keeping that in mind, it seems obvious, that the person on this card is not Rex Murphy, it is Rex Murphy! I can arguably see the card as tech for a true solo deck of the Dunwich investigator to drop a clue on a 1 location to proxy his ability, but there are better cards for that, and he is not great in solo anyway. For his parallel ability however, this card is made for!
It seems odd for me, that a card from an official product is foreshadowing a print and play release. Sure, we had an April Fools Day joke about a Blob Investigator hinting at p&p Suzi, but that was just on the homepage, not from inside a box. Of course, I can be terribly wrong, but I have high hopes now, that we might get a proper release of these parallel investigators. I know, it won't happen with Gamezenter anymore, but maybe they reconsidered doing it themselves at FFG? Fingers crossed!