Bloodthirsty Spirits

I was playing Winnie though this campaign, and she did well, I had Stella bail her out most of the time, but I've never seen any card go so nicely with her weakness.

"You must commit arrogance to eligible skill test."

Yeah, it's 1 test, but come on. It's really gonna force it on me. :/

Just wait until you play this with Amanda Sharpe. — dscarpac · 929
Lol — Therealestize · 69

In a standard 8 scenario campaign it'll take you at least 2 scenarios to get to where you can reliably use this card. After that, you have to generate 10 bless, not use them, pull this card and play it for 3 resources in a class that's usually starved.

Compare that to fortune or fate which you can pick up for just 2 experience, no set up required. You'd have to play Hallow at least twice throughout the campaign to keep pace with it, and it RFG so ypu only get 1 use per scenario. You also lose all bless tokens.

I just don't see this card ever being worth it.

drjones87 · 188
I think that when it didn't remove itself from the game, that it was very powerful. There are a select few card combos that generate a lot of bless tokens (Silas + Signum Crucis + Drawing Thin, Sister Mary plus other bless generation, and Sacred Covenant to keep blesses in the bag) that would allow you to play this multiple times a scenario, and wasn't unreasonable to put together by scenario three or four. At that point, you have a card that can, multiple times a game, remove a doom, which is a very powerful action (one action that generates at least 3 x player count actions) in itself. I think having it remove itself from the game was a necessary change, and unfortunately, it is fairly unplayable in this form like you say. — DjMiniboss · 44
If you combine it with the Sacred Lance, then releasing bless tokens becomes a benefit as much as a cost. — OrionJA · 1
Think about a bless oriented group Tommy and or Yorrick + Mateo + Mary. 10 bless are quickly accumulated and buying a turn is always great. Especially, if more than one buys this card and you get 2-6 extra turns out of a scenario. — Chiungalla · 2
Favor of the Moon

I have a question about the interaction between Favor of the Moon and Recharge. Since you're revealing the token but not as part of a skill test and Curse tokens have no effect effect outside of skill tests, what happens to the token after you reveal it? Does it get removed from the game, go back the the chaos bag, or just stay under FotM?

Renraku · 1
its a token that was just revealed "as if" from the chaos bag, so when the test resolves it should go "back" into the bag like any other token would do. — Zerogrim · 290

This and Dreamer's Curse probably contend for some of the most brutal cards from any encounter set. Especially in TDE where there's -4 in the bag on Standard and you really don't want to draw it or the autofail on this one.

Do you chance taking 3 horror or damage, or do you dump out cards in your hand that might actually have proved useful next turn? Horrid, horrid quandary. Hate making the choice every time I draw these.

fiatluxia · 65
These seem overall less bad than their Core equivalents to me, actually? Like, the difficulty of the test is increased by two but any icons work and the willpower / wild icons you included (like Guts) specifically to deal with defensive tests count double... — Thatwasademo · 56
Also, Dreamer's Curse is also a willpower test rather than being agility like Grasping Hands, and it's a lot easier when all the defensive tests are of the same stat — Thatwasademo · 56
Oh yeah, and if you have tri-icon skill cards with upside like Eureka or Watch This you draw this and laugh all the way to the bank — Thatwasademo · 56
I've recently discovered that skills cards like Survey the Area work doubly well against this as well as Dreamer's Curse. — BillyB · 21

This weapon had been surprising in a lot of ways. It's not until I actually tried that makes me realize multiple fight let me virtually pump temporary accuracy (commits, Physical Training, Hard Knocks, etc.) once and get more benefit compared to attacking separately and having to pump twice to hit both. It is more test compression rather than action compression.

In effect, investigators with low like 1 or 2 gets more benefit, since normally you would require massive pumps to land a single hit. I am currently running Wendy with this plus the Jury-Rig, surprisingly bringing her 1 to 5. Suddenly, I am very willing to pump 1 or 2 resources with the good old Hard Knocks to ensure the hit. Crafty in the same package is an excellent temporary pump card to support a play like this.

At 2 it is quite flexible how you use that extra action in a test-less manner. Other than moving in and swing like you are in Monster Hunter, I had some cool plays like keep evading on the last action for long fight with the big guy, or for high enemies, having other investigator take engagement away to tank damages each round and then engage back on my first action to prevent smashing my friend into pulp.

5argon · 9158