Khopesh of the Abyss

I have a question about using this card effectively. I'm playing as Nathaniel Cho with Bandolier and Boxing Gloves and I think the card is a cool fit. I think the economy is there. I have Emergency Cache on Stick to the Plan and I used Versatile to cheat in a copy of Astounding Revelation to be able to effectively have 10 resources turn 1. Additionally, I'm running Clean Them Out, "I've had worse…", and Stand Together to help keep resources flowing without slowing the game down.

I've considered running Relentless as well since Nathaniel has a tendency to (or at least the ability to) deal overkill damage.

Setup-wise I don't mind waiting until Bandolier comes in. In the absolute worst case scenario this is a 2 will or 2 might commit in an otherwise perfectly functioning deck. In the best case, I kill something and teleport to an aloof an enemy with doom and engage it. Everyone cheers as Nathaniel the Flying Boxer kills a 1 health cultist.

My problem every time I try to run this in a deck, my friends say "I don't want to do the Guardians of the Abyss side quest". What can I do about this?

SorryLaurie · 606
Talk to them and ask why they don't want to play the scenario again and try to find a solution? For example you can offer to buy it with xp like other cards (I think 5 XP would be my first shot for this compared with the brand) — Tharzax · 1
It's hard and require some luck to get the Khopesh if you're doing a blind run at Guardians of the Abyss for the first time, esp. playing with hard/expert difficulty. But the Guardian side quest is really fun and challenging. Your friends are missing out. — liwl0115 · 41
Offer You Cannot Refuse

While this weakness may seem relatively benign, as others have mentioned - 2xp and 0 resources at the start - my recent playthrough as a clue-ver Mystic was completely derailed by this card. It's minimizing to say that you just start with 0 resources - if that was how this card worked it would be a non-issue. The issue is that you can never drop below the required resources if there is a card draw coming. In the second scenario, I once (once!) dropped below 5 resources (to 4) and this was the very next card I drew. Upkeep is "draw a card, gain a resource", so you can't count on the upkeep resource to help. You have to guard against treacheries that lose resources, locations that need resources, etc. Once the second version is in your deck, it's even worse as you don't have enough resources in turn one to avoid an unlucky first upkeep (or to play any "draw" events/items), without a hard mulligan for resource generators. God forbid you get the third one.

As a Mystic, I could not get my set up in place for at least 3 rounds due to needing to hoard resources and play resource generators rather than assets, which essentially locked my player down. All of my early xp had to go to fast (and free!) resource generation instead of upgrading spells, which dramatically changed my build.

As weaknesses go, I feel this is one of the harder hitting, mainly because it requires you to both change your playstyle and change your deck to manage it. Most basic weaknesses slow you down, but few actually require you to build around them like this one does. Best recommendation to manage this one is to get the resources in hand, then lean into card draw effects until it's gone. And if you are a high cost build (like most Mystics), good luck to you.

Time4Tiddy · 246
I'm currently suffering this weakness with Daisy Walker. I'm not sure it's completely derailed me, but it's a harsh weakness, for sure. I've had to adapt my upgrade path completely differently to cope with it. I'm on the second level at the moment! For me it's on the Fun side of Harsh rather than the Unfun side of Harsh :-) — acotgreave · 865
Mystic can use ikiaq to counter this weakness. Note that the upgrades are not basic so she can’t counter them — Django · 5108
Whitton Greene

How is this ally better than Dr. M? While it does not seem fair towards other allies, it is only reasonable to ask this question. So how is Whitton Greene better? Can she, in fact, be better?

Whitton's +1 is conditional, but depending on your deck, the condition doesn't need to be that harsh. Plus she actively works on fulfilling the condition!

While Milan gives you pretty reliably a coin every turn, Whitton does something completely different. She finds your books, she finds your relics, she triggers deck searches, thinning your deck so you can draw other important stuff earlier. All this is very synergical with the cardpool. Milan makes you rich, Whitton makes you stronger and faster.

If you have upgraded the Dream Diary, you want to draw it as soon as you can. Milan doesn't help with that. If you are planning to assemble the Pendant of the Queen, it is Whitton who finds you the pieces. Plus it is reasonable to expect her to trigger an Astounding Revelation or two and give you some money so you don't miss Milan that much.

Whitton's impact only increases with lower player count. But even in larger groups, you can find a way to trigger her enough times to find all the stuff you need.

Picking Milan is rarely a bad choice. But we shouldn't be lazy and do it automatically, because other allies may be just the same help, sometimes even bigger.

Trady · 173
She also has that sweet, sweet health soak that most Seeker allies (including Milan) lack. — Time4Tiddy · 246
With Mr. Rook banned from lv. 0, Mandy most likely wants to take her over Mr. M. — liwl0115 · 41
Black Market

Not a review, but yet another rules q:

I'm Wendy with a Deja Vu. I play Black market and reveal my own Burn After Reading. Someone else plays it, exiling it and some card from their hand

Can I use Deja Vu on that copy of Burn? Or no, because I didn't exile it? (I know it's in my Exile , but I technically didn't put it there??)

slyguavas · 49
My read would be that Exile is an effect that removes a card from your deck. A card played with Black Market that is discarded goes to its original owners' discard, so it doesn't alter ownership of the card, and it would still be exiled from your deck and not your teammates. — Maseiken · 1
We also see this on Black Market itself. If a card isn't played, its shuffled into "its owners" deck. Despite being playable by any investigator, the cards are still "owned" by the investigator whose deck supplied them. — Maseiken · 1
While that's a fair way to homerule it if you want, Deja Vu is explicit: "cards you exiled." There is no 'your exile'; it was returned to the collection. — Death by Chocolate · 1479
either you exiled it from your deck (and deja vu works) or you didn't exile it from your deck soooo...its still in your deck. I think the actual resolution is other players can't play exile cards because you can't pay costs using other players components, in this case exiling is a cost using someone else's deck, black market lets you play the card but doesn't let you spend things from other players. — Zerogrim · 295
Neither of the exiles in burn after reading are costs though — NarkasisBroon · 10
I think the answer is no, it was exiled, but you didn't exile it. So deja vu doesn't work. Deja vu also therefore wouldn't work if a scenario effect exiled cards but I don't think there are any of those at the moment. — NarkasisBroon · 10
Burden of Leadership

This isn't exactly the kind of weakness that is going to have Charlie too worried because you have flexibility to decide how to handle the revelation effect.

Let's say you exhaust all your allies during the upkeep phase; the result is you have a subpar next turn where you avoid tests and do some other stuff with your actions (draw, move, resource, etc). Sure, there will be times when there's an enemy or another really critical test that you need to deal with. But you can always take the damage/horror route if there is something important going on, not to mention passive effects on your allies are still going to work.

Just don't get caught with no allies in your hand or in play and only this card in your deck. That would be bad...

kingofyates · 26
I just noticed the disclamer regarding the weakness in Valentin's review of Charlie. I'd say, he is wrong. Because of the ruling for exhaust: "An exhausted card CANNOT exhaust again until it is ready (typically by a game step or card ability)." So the biggest threat is indeed, if the weakness hits you, when all your allies are exhausted. Many simply can't take more than 1 damage or horror, so would get defeated by it. — Susumu · 371
You are correct that the exhausted card doesn't exhaust again, but that doesn't stop you choosing the exhaust option. From the rules on must "In the absence of the word "must" while choosing among multiple options, any option may be chosen upon the resolution of the effect – even an option that does not change the game state." — NarkasisBroon · 10
That's the reasoning, Valentin stated. However, I think, it is not true. If you theoretically could exhaust a card a second time, you could choose this option, even though it would not change the game state, because there is no "must" on this card. However, it is not even possible to exhaust the card a second time, hence the rule for exhaustion. Therefore, you can't even choose this option. — Susumu · 371
An interesting effect of this weakness is that Charlie has a large soak pool that he might not want to use very much. Might make him a good candidate for the Desperate skills and similar cards. — Maseiken · 1
I'm with susumu on this. it is not about not changing a game state, it is about choosing an ilegal action — Adny · 1
"Choosing an illegal action" isn't a concept this game has, though. The word "cannot" only means that it doesn't happen. If it's part of a cost, that means you aren't able to pay the cost in full, if it's part of an effect, it can only stop you in as much as it might mean the effect doesn't have the potential to change the game state. Failing to exhaust an exhausted card is no different from failing to lose resources you don't have or counters from a card that doesn't have any. — Thatwasademo · 58
Furthermore, I just want to point out that FFG knows how to use the word "must" when writing cards for this game, and if they meant it to be there, they would have put it there. — Thatwasademo · 58
Every game has the concept of invalid targets and invalid actions - eg succeed or fail on encounter card, tap lucky/rabbit, enter location that says "Forced: When you enter this location, exhaust 3 assets you control" You can't pick the cigs/rabbit. It's not a valid target for that, because it's already exhausted. If the card read "exhaust all ally assets you control, or deal 1 direct horror and damage to all ally assets you control' the absence of a must should permit the former even with all allies already tapped, but it's a choice made per card, and therefore... Honestly even given this the weakness is not _THAT_ bad, but it means that you'll probably lose allies from time to time. — Lailah · 1
"Just don't get caught with no allies in your hand or in play and only this card in your deck. That would be bad..." Actually, no. As per the Rules Reference: "A single card cannot be shuffled into an empty player deck or encounter deck via card effect. If this shuffling would occur during the playing or revelation of a card that is typically discarded after it is resolved, such as an event or treachery card, it is discarded. Otherwise, the card remains in its current game area." — Red_Rob · 1