Harvey Walters

There’s a reason the individually packaged investigators can only take their color and neutral cards… Because they’re amazing at what they do. Harvey is the epitome of the big hand seeker, with almost every card he can get either helping him gain cards or helping his hand size, or taking advantage and discarding cards for effect. The man is a mobile library, and while you could play him with magnifying glasses and Hawk Eye cameras, he’s designed for books. Piles and piles of books. Celaeno fragments, forbidden Tomes, Occult Lexicons...

What separates Harvey From Daisy or Norman, however, is that he works extremely well with teammates. His ability can trigger off of others. He can gift cards with his signature card while doing actions he already wants to do, or simply be around while Winnifred or Nathaniel handle their business. It’s important to have focused characters you can give to a new player, and if they are playing Professor Harvey, they are going to be able to have fun and contribute to the game.

Plus: Tempt Fate for 2 cards in 0 actions.

MrGoldbee · 1471
What REALLY seperates Harvey from Norman is his ability to take Seeker cards above level 0! :P — Death by Chocolate · 1485
Did I read his ability correctly? Because it does not say group limit per round, if there are 4 investigators in Harvey's location, are all able to draw 1 card? — Lettucefolk · 1
@Lettucefolk, you couldn't trigger it multiple times for different investigators because, while it can be used to make other investigators draw, it's still being triggered by Harvey's controlling player, and the limit applies to that player. — Simonandduncan · 1
A question, if I search a card from the deck and add it to the hand, even though it doesn't say draw it, can it still trigger Harvey's ability? — petercheungjr · 1
@petercheungjr if it says add to hand you can't trigger Harvey's ability, but many search effects say draw, and in those cases you can trigger Harvey's ability — NarkasisBroon · 10
The Necronomicon

tl;dr Well Prepared, Archaic Glyphs (Guiding Stones), The Necronomicon is a crazy combo that can trivialize clue-gathering.

In longer form...

This card is a core piece of my favorite Arkham LCG deck: Joe "The Book" Diamond. It's a basic three-card combo deck that can perform absolutely mind-boggling feats of clue-gathering and save tons of actions.

So we've got the Nomnomicon. What's the rest of this combo? It's pretty simple, but at the time of writing only Joe can pull it off. You just need Archaic Glyphs and Well Prepared! With the Necronomicon this comes out to 15 XP total. Triggering Well Prepared on the Necronomicon gives you +5 to Intellect, which with nothing else is already a 9-value stat. Assets and other commits, as well as skill boosts from the Necronomicon, can easily raise you enough to pick up 3 or more clues reliably per action.

Plus, this card just straight value in Joe. It supplements free clues from his Hunch deck, damage against enemies, and can be refilled/used for free via Truth from Fiction, Astounding Revelation (if you're running searches), and Knowledge is Power.

You won't always need to spend four Nomnomicon charges, exhaust two copies of Well Prepared, and commit four Intellect icons from hand in order to succeed an Archaic Glyphs investigation by 23 and pull 12 clues off of a single location with a single action. But when you do, the Well Guided Necronomicon is here to help!

ElseWhere · 5282
I put together a deck just like this when it was announced. Looked just plain ridiculous on paper back then and still looks ridiculous. I have been patiently waiting for this card and now I can't wait to play it here soon as the Investigator decks are out this week! Cheers! — LikeWise · 1
You combo make me want to play Joe Diamond in a cool crazy way ! — AquaDrehz · 198
Madame Labranche

Sugar Granny has gotten a lot more tempting with Cornered being part of the Survivor cardpool. In Yorick, who likes to pitch assets to Cornered and then replay them a lot, he can often run low on both cards and resources. Madame Labranche is very versatile in such a build, helping you replenish whatever you're short on. As a bonus, she's fairly inexpensive herself and has decent soak, so she fits well into a Yorick tank build.

ClownShoes · 154
Porte de l'Avancée

The only question that this card needs to address is the situation in which (spoilers: After reaching to Act 3 and Agenda 3, how do you activate this ability?). The text reads to Move 1 doom from one agenda to the other, but if the second agenda does not exist, how can you use this ability, see "Then" keyword in rules reference. It is possible for you to never enter an additional location by spending the requisite clues if you cannot use this ability later on in the game. This card may need to be errata otherwise you will never be able to receive the necessary amount of clues to advance the act deck.

Arthdrew · 1
Hmmmm, I'm not sure that's right? The only location that requires clues to enter requires 3x (the number of players) clues and the locations in play at the start should have a minimum of 4 x (the number of players) between them. So you shouldn't ever *need* this ability to progress, I don't think. — bee123 · 31
Yeah, I'm not sure where there is an issue. There is one location that requires clues to enter. Otherwise all acts/etc. care about locations having no clues on them rather than the investigators spending clues. And once you reveal an Act, there isn't much value in using clues to advance the other Agenda, now is there? — Death by Chocolate · 1485
You might "need" this ability to progress, if you spend the starting clues on advancing an agenda so far that it becomes an act, without revealing that one location. To which the fix is Don't Do That. — Yenreb · 15
Stella Clark

I think people get the wrong impression of Stella. Her abilities reward failure, but there are really two ways to go: failure with success, and failure with “not caring about success ”.

What makes her so special is that there are so, so many survivor cards that reward failure. Predestination, take heart, rabbit's foot, “look what I found“, Live and learn... So if you’re going for partial success, you have the option to fail in your first and second action and set up your third and fourth. What’s great is, even in campaigns like the dream eaters where there aren’t many skill test on your encounter cards, you can slot the new level zero “test of will” to either get rid of a treachery or gain an extra action (and probably a card, because rabbit's foot is the best fit for an accessory.)

Permanents like a quick learner, which would be poisonous for most other survivors, let you fail early and succeed later. In fact, a -1 to future difficulty test means that you’re going to face automatic successes, especially if you’re dodging a low agility enemy, hitting an acolyte or group of rats, or using your old key ring to investigate a three shroud location. (Vital to appreciating this card: knowing that it doesn’t apply to the mythos phase. Your stats are safe there.)

In solo games, you’ll be able to persevere/bungle your way through skill test and fights with “neither rain nor snow”, getting these amazing +3 bennies, recurring with resourceful, and later True Survivor. Or you can rely on the Mysterious Raven to attack your sanity in exchange for one action clues, and heal with Grimm's fairytales.

In a group, you’re likely to get in a flex role: you’re great at agility, and with dark horse or the right skill cards, can be good at a few other things. Sometimes, with Peter S by your side, it’s soaking fear or dodging enemies. But Stella has a surprising role that is harder for other survivors to play: support. "Neither rain nor snow" allows you to give +3 wild skill icons to fellow investigators. Plus, it gets rid of the sting of failure. Some scenarios have cruel effects that, when resolved, can defeat you, take rounds off the scenario, or drive you insane. Not anymore.

You’ll have a lot of options to pick through as you gain experience, because the chainsaw and your .18 derringer both reward a failure first style. True survivor and drawing thin, while expensive in terms of XP, make an amazing late-campaign engine.

Playing Stella will have you saying weird things though. Things like “darn, I succeeded all of my actions!”, or bragging about how only the grit of the Postal Service can take on the horrors of the universe. So watch out for that.

MrGoldbee · 1471
That's a clever interaction with A Test of Will (0). I had written that off as being kind of a bad card. Not so in Stella's hands. — Zinjanthropus · 229