Darrell Simmons. Non Taboo. Scavenging + Ice Pick + Crafty.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Rushional · 67


  1. I'm not doing much clue-dropping. I don't run Dr. William T. Maleson and Research Notes. And I only have a single Hawk-Eye Folding Camera in the deck.

    I assume this means the deck is severely unoptimised. Buuut I wanted to play with Crafty, and Scavenging, and a bunch of assets, so that's the way the cookie crumbles!

  2. This is non-taboo
  3. I don't run many skills at all. No Perception, no Deduction, no Practice Makes Perfect. This also means I'm probably not utilizing my card pool efficiently. But I wanted to use Short Supply efficiently, and I wanted to make sure I can start playing assets on turn 1. I just love my assets, what can you do?..
  4. I'm not sure Logical Reasoning is a good idea in this deck. But we have 2 head, so I'm kinda terrified of the Frozen in Fear treachery. So I'd like to have the card in my deck.
  5. I'm not sure about running Short Supply. Milan or Pathfinder can easily get thrown into the discard pile. We increase the odds of getting Milan by running x2 Scrounge for Supplies. It feels kinda bad to spend an action doing that, I feel. But it increases consistency. If we lose Pathfinder, we can't return it at all.

    Maybe the solution to this would be to cut Short Supply entirely. Buuut this way it would take longer to get all our items, I think. So, I'm not sure.

  6. Overall, I feel like this deck works well enough, but is awkward in a few places. This weird Milan that gives you money that you don't really need, and is scared of getting dicarded by short supply. Not being able to fully utilize the cameras. Not running the skills package. Not being able to find multiple clues per action, except with Shed a Light (that we can't really recur often, and that we can't use on locations with even moderate shroud)


  1. x2 Scavenging - I think this is the first priority. The upgrade saves so many actions. You can play your leather coats without spending an action on it constantly. You can recycle your Flashlights and Keyrings every other turn.
  2. x1 Drawing Thin, x1 Take Heart => x2 Crafty

    That's the point of the deck, so I want to start doing it early. It's not actually great, it's more of a fun inclusion. So, having a single Crafty or none at all would probably be better

  3. x1 Take Heart, x1 Schoffner's Catalogue => x2 Forewarned

    This lets us cancel treacheries! Great! And, as sort of a bonus, we can drop a clue, than get it back, and not depend on the scenario providing us locations with lots of clues. So, we can activate our Hawk-Eye Folding Camera more often, and maybe utilize our Kodak a bit better.

  4. x2 Shortcut => x2 Pathfinder If you get lucky and draw one of these, you basically don't need to take move actions for the rest of the scenario. With this deck though, thaaat's not guaranteed.
  5. Cut Old Keyrings or Flashlights and get x2 Ice Pick. The idea is to quickly find both Ice Picks, then recylce them with Scavenging, to get 2 clues almost each ivestigation.
  6. Cut Schoffner's Catalogues or Emergency Caches and add x2 Backpack. This will raise our consistency of finding our Ice Picks by a lot.

May 15, 2024 DontMainlineBeer · 1

Hawk-Eye Folding Camera only works once per game at each locations, so dropping clues won't help getting more evidence on it.