Wendy survives more than she should

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Trady · 167

Agility-based deck for solo Wendy using cards up to Forgotten Age, prepared for (mostly) anything.

Wendy's ability makes any card matter - as long as you keep your hand half full. The deck is fast and should allow you to be useful from the first round. Taking advantage of flexible, cheap - and fast! - events; Lucky!, Live and Learn, 4 cards (which can be re-used with Wendy's Amulet and Resourceful) that help you pass any important test.

Leo De Luca allows you to be faster than your enemies (I often use the extra action to draw a card, both to find what I need and to feed Wendy's "No thanks, I feel like I could do with a different chaos token" ability. Lone Wolf provides the necessary financial support, one that is stable and predictable. Obligatory Emergency Cache is here to help fund the expensive upgrades.

Gather clues with Winging It (can be discarded for Wendy's ability and played from discard pile for stronger effect) and "Look what I found!", do not hesitate to use Lucky! or Live and Learn to get a single clue, the speed is critical for this deck and you might reuse your "feels somewhat wasted" events with Wendy's Amulet soon.

If you have to fight, Baseball Bat is a solid option (with support from Hard Knocks and your events, you can handle a standard threat). Fire Axe is compatible with Lockpicks and gives even Wendy a safe hit - if she pays for it - Backstab and Waylay are more Wendy-style (reusable) tools to deal with enemies, especially those carrying Victory Points. Anyway Wendy must consider carefully whether a certain enemy is worth wasting cards, resources and actions - it is often better to simply evade and leave.

Narrow Escape shows to be surprisingly useful. At worst, it's just a weaker Manual Dexterity, but with a great situational advantage: often you need to play your asset or nock an arrow on your Ornate Bow before dealing with the enemy - basically, with Narrow Escape in hand you don't have to worry that much about "what if an enemy spawns here". Just focus on the primary objective: get the clues and get'em fast. Peter Sylvestre is there to both soak your horror and boost your soon-to-be primary skill:

Basic Strategy

Play Lone Wolf, play Leo De Luca and hit the road. Use your events and Resourcefulness to do as much as you can, as fast as you can. When it feels like the right moment, put your Amulet on and enjoy the events once again. Do not waste your actions playing other assets (weapons, more allies) until you need it. Be faster than the encounter deck. With Lone Wolf, Leo De Luca and her tricks, Wendy can beat it!

Drawing cards is important for Wendy! More cards in your hand = more attempts on skill tests. You can invest your skill icons, Hard Knocks and arrows with a little less care, for as long as you have a card to dump (and often I dump cards I would never believe to use in such manner), is much less scary. For Wendy Adams, drawing a card is rarely a wasted action.

Upgrades - because we really need some:

Leo De Luca - upgrade him soon, your really want to play him the first round. Ideally you play Leo, get a resource, play Lone Wolf and still have an action left to actually do something

Charisma - allies are not only your extra actions and extra , but even more importantly, the main damage and horror soak

Lockpicks - with basic skill of 7, getting clues is rarely a problem; limit once per round doesn't really matter that much as most locations are 1-clue in solo and you can still Wing It or Just find the leftovers

Will to Survive - somewhat expensive (both experience- and resource-wise), but with Leo in play, definitely worth the investment - remember you can always be Resourceful or just be Wendy to replay it: now imagine the world where you have enough resources (with Lone Wolf, such world is not that impossible): you play Will to Survive, do some great things and return it to your hand with Resourceful; next turn you play it again - and return it with another resourceful; that is 3 test-free rounds - and then you put on your amulet and play it again (and that was still just one copy!

Ornate Bow - sooner or later you'll get to a point where your simple weapons and tricks are just not enough. With Wendy's base of 4, Peter Sylvestre, maybe even Cat Burglar, many icons in the deck and especially Wendy's super-ability ("How about a different chaos token, would you please?") to make (almost) every shot matter, the bow is just a perfect fit. Even the slow nocking is not that big deal with Leo De Luca in play and Narrow Escape in hand.

Peter Sylvestre - upgrade the big man for extra , with base 5, who would care about some nasty treachery?

Cat Burglar - ocasionally useful (even Wendy can find herself surrounded by just too many bad boys. A "get out of hell" free friend with the bonus of and willing to take a hit for you.