Daisy drives them all Insane with her Shuffling

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Littlepoo · 112

Disclaimer - DO NOT play this deck if you hate shuffling, like seriously...However if you or your teammates are masochists, read on.

This deck is intended as a main cluever in a multiplayer game. Solo is not impossible but you're probably gonna need to change a few things up.



  • Insane Card Draw
  • Grab Clues by the bulk
  • Enemy Handling via evasion and some damage
  • Flexibility


  • Not strong at dealing consistent damage
  • May be reliant on Higher Education on higher difficulties.
  • Time spent Shuffling


This deck takes advantage of Daisy's ability with Old Book of Lore and the action on Arcane Initiate to pick and choose 2 cards from her deck every turn. Eureka! and Grisly Totem helps with this too. Easily draws both Archaic Glyphs & Archaic Glyphs and can then Recharge them. Blood-Rite is easily drawn from the deck as it is a Spell and provides testless damage and even more card draw.


Use Arcane Initiate to draw Archaic Glyphs. Investigate alongside skill cards to grab multiple clues.

Don't be too afraid of using up the charges as you can Recharge it. If you pull a bad token, no worries, you can either Time Warp to try again or just let it be discarded. Just Quantum Flux it back into your deck and hopefully grab it again with The Book or Arcane Initiate as it is a Spell card.

It will eat up a few actions getting the Glyph back down but you save actions by grabbing multiple clues at once with it.


Use Archaic Glyphs to evade enemies and let your teammates handle them (you still get a clue and a resource from Milan).

Occult Lexicon only has a single copy so try to grab it with the book. Blood-Rite is flexible as it can be easily tutored, committed with Totem, has a tutoring ability of its own or can be useful against pesky enemies with 2 or less HP, especially those with Aloof. You can even save them up to help kill bosses. If you use them up early you can always Shuffle them back into your deck.


Use Ward of Protection or use Grisly Totem and commit skill cards or Recharge for it's symbols on Willpower tests if needed.


I use Daisy's Tote Bag for the handslots to help with The Necronomicon and then generally just leave it alone, because honestly, you probably won't draw the token that often (although when the weakness is out I seem to draw it much more often...) especially if you pick up the weakness late into the game. If you get auto-fail on a Archaic Glyphs test just Time Warp it.

You will most likely be using your Grisly Totem every round as you probably will always want the boost to get more clues or against treacheries. This with Eureka! and Perception increases your already insane card draw.

If you include Blood-Rite there are 11 Spells in your deck for your Arcane Initiate. If possible, draw with Old Book of Lore before drawing with Arcane Initiate to thin the deck first. With a smart mulligan and several Assets in play, your deck should be thinned down enough for your Initiate to successfully grab a Spell most turns.

Before the Upgrades

Upgrade Path: Charisma -> Archaic Glyphs + Archaic Glyphs -> 1 x Grisly Totem -> 2 x Recharge -> 2 x Time Warp -> 1 x Grisly Totem.

If you want more resources you can swap out a Perception with another Crack the Case

More Upgrades

  1. Higher Education
  2. Fearless -> Fearless
  3. Deduction -> Deduction

Or No Stone Unturned / Mr. "Rook" for more shuffling fun.

Glimpse the Unthinkable