- Q: If I'm upgrading two Strange Solutions in my deck, what is the process for the upgrade? Do I: a) Create 2 stacks of the 3 possible variations and pick one from each? or b) Shuffle up all 6 of the variations and draw 2? There's a slight difference in the likelihood of getting a matching pair depending which way I do it and the wording seems ambiguous depending on how we interpret 'option'. A: Since the game has no inherent limit on how many copies of each variant you might have in your collection, the method that makes the most sense to me is to take 1 copy of each variation in your collection and randomly select one of them, then do the same for the second strange solution [option a].
Cost: –.
Trwałe. Limit 1 na talię.
W dowolnym momencie, gdy ulepszasz kartę z podtytułem (Niezidentyfikowany) lub (Nieprzetłumaczony), możesz ulepszyć drugą kopię danej karty bez płacenia kosztu w punktach doświadczenia. Jeśli to zrobisz, dwie ulepszone wersje są wybierane losowo spośród wszystkich dozwolonych wersji. (Nadal musisz przestrzegać wszystkich zasad tworzenia talii.)

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
This is a very unusual card.
Permanent cards are, by their very nature, kind of strange in that they start off in play, so taking the card doesn't dilute your deck. Normally with cards like Scrapper, the level and experience point cost are barriers that keep every eligible investigator from immediately taking it. Arcane Research, the other level 0 permanent card besides Shrewd Analysis, inflicts mental trauma when you take it, so you have to consider the consequences of using the card before you acquire it.
Shrewd Analysis is different from both of these cases because there is, in most instances, no drawback for taking it. There is no experience cost, no trauma... you just get it.
The ability on the card is not mandatory (since it is phrased, "you may upgrade a card") so taking this card does not commit you to using its ability. It simply gives you an option that wasn't there before. In my opinion, it is really not a good ability, since you sacrifice deck consistency for a discount, and I normally don't consider that a good trade. However, the option is there. In a way, taking this card kind of future-proofs your deck a little bit; if there is ever a card released like Strange Solution with upgrade paths that have a negligible difference between versions, you'll be thankful you grabbed this permanent. However, if you never use this card's ability, that's fine too, because it doesn't cost anything. The only potential drawback is if there's an encounter card that punishes you for number of assets or number of permanent cards. That second situation seems pretty unlikely, but you never know...
For investigators that have limited Seeker cards or out-of-class limitations, I think you should probably never take this card. I don't think it's normally worth it.
Otherwise, I think you should always take this card.
For reference...
Investigators who should always take this card:
Investigators who should never take this card:
- Any Dunwich Legacy investigator who isn't Rex Murphy
- Marie Lambeau
- Carolyn Fern
- Finn Edwards
- Lola Hayes can take this card if she wants to use it to take up a Seeker slot without taking up a card in her deck.
Is there a functional reason to justify not taking this card if you have no Seeker slots restrictions? I really can't think of one. Very curious to see if we'll get more level 0 permanents like this one in the future.
So correct me if I'm wrong: Carolyn has only one eligible option when upgrading Ancient Stone: Unidentified and that is Ancient Stone: Minds In Harmony. When I upgrade the stones for which I spent 2 exp. (1 each), I spend 3 exp. and get free 3 exp. upgrade, since like the card says, Minds In Harmony is the ONLY eligible upgrade.
Requires more data for a thorough analysis.
I reserve full review of this card at this time as we still have no idea what the Ancient Stone does. Once we know exactly how that works, it might be more worthwhile.
Right now, it is basically just good for the Archaic Glyphs, wherein either result will probably really help out your investigator.
The Strange Solution has a few results that might just mean you wasted slots and opportunity cost.
Basically, wait and see.
There is a good synergy between this card and Vincent Lee deck's requirements.
The only eligible Strange Solution upgrade is the "Heal Damage" version.
You can basically upgrade a second copy of Strange Solution for free without loosing consistency.
How is this practically applied?? If, for example, I choose to upgrade Strange Solution, which has 3 available upgrades, do I put each copy of those available upgrades (ie 6 cards) facedown on the table and choose 2 of them at random??
What I haven't seen written is that this is still a good card for strange solution. Four experience points for two random upgrades will save four experience points. Even if acidic ichor is not drawn, it is only two additional experience points to switch them out. It still saves two experience points overall.
The same will happen with both archaic glyphs and ancient stone.
Sorry, but I don't see one question: "Anytime you upgrade a card with the (Unidentified) or (Untranslated) subtitle, you may upgrade a second copy of that card at no experience cost. If you do, the two upgraded versions are chosen at random from among the eligible options. (You must still meet all deckbuilding restrictions.)" let's say I have 2 strange solutions. Do you need to have identified both strange solution before making the upgrade in order to be able to upgrade both, or does the second strange solution have not only 0 XP cost but also does not need to be identified?
--EDIT 2021-09-08: Writing information in the campaign log is
- Effective for the whole campaign
- Valid for all investigators taking part into the campaign.
This means that:
- Several investigator can upgrade the strange solution (or another), even if only one "Identify the solution"
--EDIT 2021-10-27: remved part about my false interpretation of XP spared by shrewd analysis