Shades of Suffering
  • ERRATUM: Shades of Suffering, Setup: Add the following after the fourth bullet point:
    • Gather each decoy mini-card and the Tzu San Niang mini-card and set them aside, out of play. - FAQ, v.2.2, February 2024
Last updated
On Thin Ice
  • ERRATUM: On Thin Ice, Resolution 2: Add the following text to the third bullet of this resolution:
    • If no investigator controlled the Sable Glass at the end of the scenario, choose an investigator to be its bearer. Update the Campaign Log accordingly. - FAQ, v.2.2, February 2024
Last updated
The Blob That Ate Everything
  • ERRATUM: The Blob That Ate Everything, resolutions section, Resolution 3 should read “Resolution 2.” Add “Alien Instruments”, “Corrosive Cloud”, and “G-Men” to the list of assets in play that can be added to an investigator’s deck (Note: These assets are found in The Blob That Ate Everything ELSE.) - FAQ, v.2.2, February 2024
Last updated
Hand-Eye Coordination
  • Q: Can I use Hand-Eye Coordination to resolve the ability on Microscope without spending any actions? A: No. Hand-Eye Coordination only allows you to bypass the first cost when activating an ability on a Tool or Weapon asset. You must still pay any additional costs on that ability, which can include spending additional actions. (Feast of Hemlock Vale FAQ, February 2024)

  • Q: When a card ability allows me to resolve an ability “without paying its cost” such as on Hand-Eye Coordination does it allow me to avoid paying all costs? A: If instructed to resolve an ability “without paying its cost,” the investigator ignores only the first in the ability cost, if any. For each additional beyond the first, the investigator must spend an action to activate that ability. The investigator must also pay any other costs required for the ability. (FAQ 2.3, October 2024)

Last updated
Eyes of Valusia
  • Q: When swapping Eyes of Valusia with Blade of Yoth, does it briefly take up 2 arcane and 2 hand slots? A: Eyes of Valusia is swapped simultaneously with Blade of Yoth. Throughout this process, they fill the same arcane and hand slots. (Feast of Hemlock Vale FAQ, February 2024)
Last updated