Tides of Fate
  • Q: I know in general if you can't fully execute an effect, you're supposed to do as much as you can, I'm wondering how to apply that to Tides of Fate, if you have more curses in the bag than you have blesses to add. To put numbers on it, if you play Tides with 8 curse and 5 bless in the bag, do you end up with 3 curse 10 bless? 0 curse 10 bless? Or is it simply not playable, since you can't "replace all curse tokens in the chaos bag with an equal number of bless tokens"? A: With Tides of Fate, you would do as much as you can in the sense that you’d take out all curse tokens from the bag, then you’d replace that amount of curse tokens with bless tokens, up to the maximum amount of bless tokens possible (10 max). Going off of your example, if you start with 8 curse and 5 bless, you’d play Tides of Fate, remove 8 curse and add 5 bless, ending at 0 curse and 10 bless. At the end of the round, you’d then change that to 10 curse and 0 bless. (October 2023)
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.45 Thompson
  • Q: Does placing ammo from the .45 Thompson (3) in my resource pool, as a resource, count as gaining a resource through another player card effect, for the purposes of Stylish Coat? A: Yes; gaining resources from .45 Thompson can trigger Stylish Coat. (Rules form, September 2023)

  • Q: What types of abilities can cause me to trigger the ability on Stylish Coat? A: The ability on Stylish Coat can be used with a card effect specifically instructs you to “gain” resources, such as with Salvage. Any other card abilities that “place” resources, such as with .45 Thompson (3), or "move" resources from one card to another or from one card to your resource pool, such as the ability on Family Inheritance, do not trigger Stylish Coat's ability. (FAQ v2.2, February 2024)

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  • Q: Question about FAQ 1.13: "(1.13) Shuffling A Card Into An Empty Player/Encounter Deck A single card cannot be shuffled into an empty player deck or encounter deck via card effect. If this shuffling would occur during the playing or revelation of a card that is typically discarded after it is resolved, such as an event or treachery card, it is discarded. Otherwise, the card remains in its current game area." How does this interact with cards such as Rex's Curse, Kleptomania, and The Thing That Follows? For example, if you fail a skill test as Rex due to Rex's Curse while you have an empty player deck, does Rex's Curse get discarded (because it is a treachery while it is being resolved and generally speaking treacheries do to the discard pile) or does Rex's Curse remain in play (because Rex's Curse specifically would never be discarded so by 1.13 it remains in its current game area)? Similarly for trying to clear Kleptomania with an empty player deck or defeating The Thing That Follows with an empty player deck.

    A: If your player deck is empty when you would discard those cards: (1) Rex’s Curse would stay in play, as it cannot be shuffled into an empty deck, and the rules that would discard such a card don’t apply to it. (2) Kleptomania would stay in play for the same reasons as Rex’s Curse. (3) The Thing That Follows would be discarded instead. This is mainly because of process of elimination; it’s an enemy with no health remaining so it can’t stay in play, but it can’t be shuffled into the player’s deck, so in the end it’s discarded. (November 2023 Rules Submission)

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Rex's Curse
  • Q: Question about FAQ 1.13: "(1.13) Shuffling A Card Into An Empty Player/Encounter Deck A single card cannot be shuffled into an empty player deck or encounter deck via card effect. If this shuffling would occur during the playing or revelation of a card that is typically discarded after it is resolved, such as an event or treachery card, it is discarded. Otherwise, the card remains in its current game area." How does this interact with cards such as Rex's Curse, Kleptomania, and The Thing That Follows? For example, if you fail a skill test as Rex due to Rex's Curse while you have an empty player deck, does Rex's Curse get discarded (because it is a treachery while it is being resolved and generally speaking treacheries do to the discard pile) or does Rex's Curse remain in play (because Rex's Curse specifically would never be discarded so by 1.13 it remains in its current game area)? Similarly for trying to clear Kleptomania with an empty player deck or defeating The Thing That Follows with an empty player deck.

    A: If your player deck is empty when you would discard those cards: (1) Rex’s Curse would stay in play, as it cannot be shuffled into an empty deck, and the rules that would discard such a card don’t apply to it. (2) Kleptomania would stay in play for the same reasons as Rex’s Curse. (3) The Thing That Follows would be discarded instead. This is mainly because of process of elimination; it’s an enemy with no health remaining so it can’t stay in play, but it can’t be shuffled into the player’s deck, so in the end it’s discarded. (November 2023 Rules Submission)

  • Q: How do bless and curse tokens interact with Rex's Curse? Bless and curse tokens have the following effect during a skill check: "Instead of returning this token to the chaos bag, return it to the token pool." Rex's Curse states: "When you would succeed at a skill test: Return the revealed chaos token to the bag and reveal a new chaos token." If you reveal bless and/or curse tokens during a successful skill check while Rex's Curse is in play, do those tokens go back into the chaos bag (per Rex's Curse) or are they returned to the token poll (per token effect)? A: With Rex’s Curse in play, if you would succeed at a skill test, return all tokens revealed during that test (including Bless/Curse tokens) to the chaos bag, then reveal 1 new token and resolve it as normal. (Rules form, December 2023)

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  • Q: How does Grizzled work with locations? Locations are encounter cards but the text on the card is "If this is a skill test on or against an encounter card (including fighting, evading or parleying)...", which doesn't list 'investigating' among the examples. Does investigating count as a skill test against an encounter card, and therefore enable me to get extra wild icons if a matching trait is listed on the Grizzled upgrade card? A: Since location cards are considered encounter cards, Grizzled is able to be played when resolving a skill test on a location. The examples given on Grizzled are not an exhaustive list of how it can be used; you can commit it to an investigation test. (September 2023)

  • Q: I would like to have more informations about skill tests on or against an encounter card. "Encounter Cards" vs "Scenario Cards" (added in FAQ, section 'Card Ability Interpretation', point 2.15) These two terms are used interchangeably to mean any non-player card used in a scenario, such as the contents of the encounter deck, locations, acts, agendas, the scenario reference card, etc. Grizzled states "If this is a skill test on or against an encounter card (including fighting, evading, or parleying), Grizzled gains for each of the chosen traits that encounter card possesses." With this information, I understand that I can use the ability from Grizzled on/against a lot of cards. I would like to know if an investigate action is considered as a test on/against a location, Circle on the location The Geist-Trap, encounter deck cards as Terror in the Night, Realm of Torment, enemies in general, Gavriella Mizrah the enemy, tests on cards as Heretic... I would like to be sure that I can use the ability of grizzled on/against all these cards. A: Yes; the ability on Grizzled can be used toward each of those examples so long as those cards have the trait chosen on Grizzled’s upgrade sheet. (Including investigation tests, tests on treacheries, tests from enemies, tests on story cards.) (Rules Form, January 2024)

  • Q: Can Alessandra Zorzi take Grizzled? A: Yes, Alessandra Zorzi can take Grizzled, because the word “parley” is physically printed on the card. (February 2024)

  • Q: Can I commit Grizzled when investigating a location that has one of its chosen traits? A: Yes. Location cards are considered a type of encounter card, so if a location has one of the chosen traits for Grizzled, you can commit Grizzled to the investigation skill test. (FAQ v2.2, February 2024)

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