Joe Diamond Statball (Edge of The Earth Blind Run)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Eliteal · 2

Post Hemlock Vale was the perfect time to make a Joe Diamond deck I've always wanted to try out. The tools synergy with Joe has always been kinda good, but With Tinker and Microscope I thought the winds were right for a deck to really take advantage of them. This is how my deck looked towards the end of my Edge pf the Earth Blind Run with my friends.

The goal of the deck is to have Michael Leigh and Dr. Milan Christopher out alongside at least one of each of the 3 Tools. With both Hawk-Eye Folding Camera and Dissection Tools at 3 evidence Joe gets +1 to all stats. The allies give another +2 and +1 . Scientific Theory gives another =1 to and , and Tooth of Eztli gives a virtual +1 to and . All in all that turns Joe into a 4 8 7 4 investigator. That seems too good to be true but I was able to achieve it a few times. Since this is a flex deck, most of your turns will be taking stock of the board and shoring up whatever seems lacking, either getting clues or fighting small monsters. A hard mulligan for Michael Leigh and at least one of the tools will ensure you can do whatever is required of you. As the game goes on, just play an asset here and there to further boost your stats.

Microscope and Michael Leigh have such a fun back and forth synergy. Investigate to load up Michael, then kill enemies to load up the Microscope.

The Hunch Deck is pretty fun in this deck as well. I focused on putting in fast Insights so that they can be played basically anytime they come up. Tinker is important as it lets you hold more of your powerful tools. Just tinker out whatever tool you currently have equipped to free up room for more tools down the road. Cryptic Research used to be Preposterous Sketches and it was just upgraded to make it fast. Hand-Eye Coordination is there to mitigate the 2 cost on Microscope. I normally had Shortcut and Testing Sprint in the main deck instead of the hunch deck though. On Testing Sprint, the card performed quite well. When you have high stats it's very possible to succeed on all of the test and nab 3-4 clues at once, or even more if you Practice Makes Perfect some Deductions.

The glaring weakness in this deck is obviously resources, You need to pay for all of your tools and allies and that can be a bit tough. I was relatively lucky in that one of my friends was playing a Zoey Samaras deck and had Stand Togethers to give. Since it was Edge of the Earth I was also using the Small Radio to get Takada Hiroko for some cash as well. Still Emergency Cache is a good addition and can take the place of Overpower or perhaps Logical Reasoning.