Solo Rex Ducks the Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MOTUX · 8299

This is a solo Rex deck designed to (a) avoid the encounter deck, and (b) abuse utilize movement during skill tests to take advantage of his ability. While Rex is conventionally used to discover 2 clues from a single location, when used in this manner he can discover 1 clue each from two different locations. Not surprisingly, this is ridiculously powerful in solo and solves what many see as solo Rex's biggest draw back. Furthermore, in the process we can virtually ignore many many of the encounter decks tricks that otherwise interfere with our investigating. How all of this works, and some examples of it in action, are detailed below.

This deck works best on "conventional" clue-centric quests like Midnight Masks where it is almost super human; on more funky quests like The Last King it powers down to a mere mortal. It's "broken" potential isn't going to work with every scenario, and probably works better on Standard than it can on Hard+, but when it works it works. The same concepts can apply in multiplayer but they are less effective.

Piloting Instructions

Mulligan Guide

We are primarily looking for:

  1. Movement tool: Pathfinder > Shortcut
  2. Investigate tool:Magnifying Glass > Flashlight
  3. Enemy management tool: Dr. William T. Maleson > Acidic Ichor > Mind over Matter > Anatomical Diagrams > Fight or Flight

If you draw Cryptic Research keep it. After the above everything else is gravy. The number one goal is Pathfinder.

Try to find and save a card for dealing with enemies. Enemies are likely the only thing standing between you and victory. We are mostly opting to evade enemies as not many enemies pop out in solo.

The Timing Window to Abuse

Players will note that there are two windows (before/after committing cards) during a skill test. Frequently we just use boosters during these windows but it is also a perfectly valid time to play Shortcut, Pathfinder, and Elusive. Despite changing our location, we are still investigating the initial location and will discover clues from that location (the same applies if we play Deduction). However, Rex's applies to our current location ("your location"). Consequently, if we change our location mid-skill test, we can discover clues from two locations at once. Eat your heart out Deciphered Reality!

The result (if successful): discovering 1 clue at your initial location (2 if using Deduction), +1 clue at your current location. Bonus: this helps avoid nasty shroud values or location effects that would otherwise frustrate you.

Remember: you can use multiple Pathfinders/Shortcuts to move further which is useful if there is an annoying "hub" location like in Miskatonic Museum or The Devourer Below.

Here are some interesting applications

  • Where Doom Awaits: Want to take that investigate test to reveal a location? Hold up. Reveal a location but don't travel to it. Next round, take the investigate test and travel to the unrevealed location. If successful, you discovered 1 clue and revealed a location in one action! Nifty!
  • Extracurricular Activities: don't want to burn an action at Orne Library? Investigate the Humanities Building or Miskatonic Quad and move over mid test. Problem solved (besides that shroud, which speaking of...)
  • Any high shroud location: just investigate an adjacent, low shroud location (if available) and move to the high shroud location mid test.
  • Echoes of the Past: Historical Society got you down? Have no fear, you can now discover a clue and modify your intellect to do it.
  • Lost in Time and Space: Prismatic Cascade discard effect is of no concern when we can simply take the last clue and not be there when it disappears.
  • The Devourer Below: one of the Arkham Woods locations forcing you to investigate with an off stat? Then just investigate the Main Path and move to any of the woods locations.

Other Playing Tips

  • Try to reserve Dr. William T. Maleson for enemies as they are most likely to cause you trouble. We have lots of ways to deal with treacheries, not so many to handle enemies.
  • Reserve your treachery cancels for cards that spawn enemies or Revelation effects that gain Surge if they don't trigger; that new encounter card could be an enemy that we don't want to see.
  • Remember Rex isn't a fighter so don't pick a fight you can't win. Don't be afraid to Resign and avoid trauma. A little XP or a better resolution just isn't worth it.

Upgrade Guide

  1. Deduction x2 Pathfinder(1) x2 (2XP)
  2. Strange Solution x2 Strange Solution(4) x2 (8XP)
  3. Preposterous Sketches x2 Cryptic Research(4) x2 (8XP)
  4. Higher Education(3) (3XP)
  5. Guts x1 Deduction(2) x1 (2XP)
  6. Perception x1 Deduction(2) x1 (2XP)
  7. Inquiring Mind x1 Forewarned(1) x1 (1XP)
  8. Emergency Cache x2 Emergency Cache(2) x2 (4XP)
  9. Magnifying Glass x2 Magnifying Glass(1) x2 (2XP)

Our upgrades are fairly straight forward; Pathfinder to enable our combo and Cryptic Research to improve consistency.

Alternatives Cards


Dec 11, 2017 Fuzer · 1

Gonna try this deck soon. Looks great!

Apr 13, 2018 Rittinka · 1

Currently running a slight variation on this deck through Carcossa. Going very well so far, and is a lot of fun to play. I've swapped out Fight or Flight for a couple of Archaic Glyphs, with the plan to upgrade them to enable better evasion. Also using a Delve Too Deep, which I've been able to play in both scenarios so far. Looking forward to trying out Pathfinder. Thanks for the idea!

May 24, 2019 wardentim · 1

Can we get a rules lawyer here? I doubt that the described abuse of timing windows is a proper reading of the rules.

May 26, 2019 MOTUX · 8299

@wardentimI am fairly knowledgeable with the rules myself, I even wrote something about timing windows once. I have also discussed this with persons generally considered in the community to be rule masters. If you doubt this interpretation, then please provide an analysis of the interpretation with references to the rules reference to support your assertion.

May 27, 2019 wardentim · 1

@MOTUX I am newish, but here is my reading of the rules

p. 13 reference: Investigate action: ... investigator discover one clue at the location. (this occurs during step 7 of the skill test ...

p. 26 reference: Skill Test Timing: states indeed that there are player windows to use pathfinder before ST. 3 but only at ST. 6 you determine success/failure of skill test at ST. 7 you apply skill test results. In my reading of the rules because you used pathfinder before ST. 3, ST. 6 and ST. 7 apply to your final location, thus not a mix of your starting location and final location.

Therefore you use only the final location's shroud value in ST. 6 to determine the difficulty of the skill test and only apply the skill test result of your investigate action in ST. 7 to your final location.

TL;DR: Using pathfinder during investigate action comes down to basically performing the investigate action at the new location.

Jul 18, 2019 Lach · 1

Is Shrewd Analysis not included because you don't want to risk not having 2 copies of Acidic Ichor? 4XP seems like a lot to ensure this.

Mar 29, 2024 JohnGalt · 1

Hi, how would you upgrade with carcossa cards?