Akachi Finally Understands Umôrdhoth (Solo, Achievements)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Voltgloss · 358

Here we go, Akachi Onyele versus Umôrdhoth. I had a terrible (one cultist only) showing in Return to The Midnight Masks, which does mean that Akachi hasn't defeated any unique cultists... so if she somehow wins here she'll have accomplished that achievement. But with no way to get past the horde of cultists that will spawn if she advances the Act... and one of them being a hunter she can't kill if she wants the achievement... her only option is to turtle and try to blast away Umôrdhoth when it appears. It will be at full strength, with a whopping 8 fight and 13 health. I had just enough experience to bring one copy of max-leveled Shrivelling, which will need to land 5 hits (or 4 hits plus something auxiliary, like Shards of the Void or Storm of Spirits) to win. Well... here we go!


R1 (1D, 3H, 5$, 0C): 3/4 doom

I would have had to hide in a side path with no weapon, but fortunately my Arcane Initiate fetched something up just when I needed it. And now, I also have my Umôrdhoth-killing weapon: max leveled Shrivelling! Need to save those charges for the endgame... and there's a few more pieces I'm looking for as well.

R2 (1D, 3H, 2$, 0C): 4/4 doom

What I'm looking for, ultimately, is a Holy Rosary and one or both Spirit Athames, and then a hand full of cards I can pitch to my Umôrdhoth-attacking tests. Akachi's base 5, +3 from Shrivelling, +1 from Holy Rosary, brings me to 9 vs. Umôrdhoth's 8... the more I can boost above that, the better.

R3 (1D, 3H, 3$, 0C): 1/5 doom [+1 on Disciple of the Devourer]

Still important to clear out Disciples of the Devourer sprouting doom when I can. My Shards of the Void charges are helpful here, and I'm keeping the +2 from having the 0 token sealed in order to counterbalance Agenda 2 giving all the enemies +1 Fight.

R4 (1D, 3H, 1$, 0C): 2/5 doom

There's a key piece of my combo in Holy Rosary, but I want to run out my Decorated Skull charges first.

R5 (1D, 3H, 4$, 0C): 3/5 doom

Bad luck there with two misses and a counterattack. Fortunately I do have something to help mitigate the damage. Hopefully this isn't a sign of things to come.

R6 (2D, 3H, 5$, 0C): 4/5 doom

My completing Curse of the Rougarou helps me out now with Lady Esprit coming in to heal Akachi's wounds. With the agenda about to flip anyway, I can ignore that second Disciple of the Devourer.

R7 (0D, 3H, 2$, 0C): 5/5 doom [+1 on Disciple of the Devourer]

Still digging for my Spirit Athames, keeping every icon card I can hang onto along the way.

R8 (0D, 3H, 1$, 0C): 2/5 doom

Better to get that 0 unsealed now. I'm out of Shards of the Void charges, but have my backup Level 0 Shrivelling - which I might as well play as it doesn't give a icon. Again, I'm saving all of my Level 5 Shrivelling charges for the boss battle.

R9 (0D, 3H, 2$, 0C): 3/5 doom

Ancient Evils has really sped the clock on me here, but hey, there's at least one of my Spirit Athames in the nick of time!

R10 (0D, 3H, 3$, 0C): 5/5 doom

I sent Lady Esprit home to bring in a fresh Lita Chantler for full 3D/3H soak. Next turn starts the main event. I have enough icons to consistently get up to 11 or 12 against Umôrdhoth with my attacks... though I'd love to get up to more, to at least give some protection against the token. Torrent of Power will handle at least one of those, drawing from my backup Level 0 Shrivelling.

R11 (0D, 3H, 3$, 0C)

Too little too late with that second Spirit Athame. One missed attack and retaliate will end me, so here goes nothing!

R12 (1D, 3H, 4$, 0C)

Resolution 2

  • Akachi repelled Umôrdhoth
  • +2 physical trauma, +2 mental trauma
  • 10 experience (0 Victory + 10 bonus)
  • Total trauma: 4 physical, 5 mental
  • Akachi Onyele wins!
  • ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: They're Just Misunderstood

And there we go! Akachi Onyele may be completely battered by her experience, but at the end of the day she repelled The Devourer Below without defeating a single unique cultist. Heck, maybe they'll start following her from now on. Happy end?

At this point I only have three Return to the Night of the Zealot achievements left to complete: (i) netting all six unique cultists in Return to The Midnight Masks; (ii) winning with at least three Ultimatums; and (iii) winning on Expert difficulty. Pretty tall orders playing solo, but I'm up to the challenge. For Midnight Masks, I'm thinking I need somebody with action compression and some fighting chops. I wonder if "Ashcan" Pete and Duke might be up to the task?


Apr 20, 2020 bee123 · 31

Wow, that's a great achievement. You did an amazing job :)