This is the Return to the Night of the Zealot's replacement for Ghoul Minion, and it's just as squishy as the original yet it has a new relevant ability. It still dies in one hit from a weapon or spell but has an uncomplicated, straightforward ability that makes you want to watch out for it just a little bit more. Plus it plays into the rest of the "forcing you to discard cards"/"having no cards in hand" theme that the rest of this Return To campaign has, the entire purpose of which seems to be to foreshadow Umôrdhoth's Wrath and to make it even scarier when it comes out. Overall I like it.
Humanoid. Potwór. Ghoul.
Fight: 2.
Health: 2.
Evade: 2.
Damage: 1.
Horror: 1.
Wymuszony - Po tym, jak Grobowcowy pożeracz zaatakuje cię: odrzuć 1 losową kartę z twojej ręki.
Siedział jakby przyczajony, czuło się, że w każdej chwili może porzucić łup i poszukać soczystszego kąska.
–H. P. Lovecraft, “Model Pickmana”
–H. P. Lovecraft, “Model Pickmana”
Stephen Somers
Powrót Nocy fanatyka #38. Ghoule Umôrdhotha #1-3.

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