Shadow Ace Trish - 6 actions, always invisible

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
The Shadow Ace - permanently ethereal, 6 actions/turn 18 10 3 4.0

MuKen · 78


The core idea of this deck is to enter a state of being In the Shadows at all times with an Ace in the Hole active every turn. You will enter this state after the first time you cycle your deck, and the deck itself is designed with very high draw to achieve this as quickly as possible. This is maintained by keeping a loop going where every turn you draw back exactly every card you played while dumping the sanity loss from cycling your deck onto a revolving Laboratory Assistant.

One neat thing is that once you are in this state, your Shadow Agents are now working for you. They follow you around everywhere you go while doing no damage and allowing you to get extra clues with Trish's ability.

This is built at 12xp so as not to require any additional basic weaknesses when used as a standalone.

Looping state setup

This is the looping state you are aiming to set up.

At the start of each turn, your discard pile should contain

your deck should be empty, and your hand (which is size 10 from the 2x Arcane Enlightenment) should contain

Maintaining the Loop

Your most basic turn begins with playing In the Shadows, Ace in the Hole, Sleight of Hand with Scroll of Secrets, then activating The Raven Quill to move a charge from the temporary Scroll of Secrets to the permanent one (do not spend these just yet). Combined with the two cards that were in the discard at the start, your discard pile is now 5 cards, which will become your draw deck shortly.

Now play Hit and Run with Laboratory Assistant and immediately draw two cards from your empty deck. The sanity loss from reshuffling all the cards you just played will be assigned to that Laboratory Assistant (which is going to return to your hand at the end of your turn anyway). After these draws resolve, the Hit and Run you just played will go into the discard pile for the next turn. Now play Cheat the System and it too will go into the discard pile for next turn.

You can then use both of your Scroll of Secrets to fetch two more cards, this makes a total of 4 cards returned out of 5 shuffled into the deck, the last will be pulled during upkeep. You are now set up to take the rest of your turn with 6 actions while being In the Shadows.

Adding to the turn

You have draw to spare, in the form of your 2x Lucky Cigarette Case, and evidence building up on your Empirical Hypothesis. You can use these to optionally add in extra upgrades to the turn, any of which should be played just before Hit and Run.

Using any of these options means those cards will be put back into your deck when Laboratory Assistant plays, so you will need to draw them back in to your hand before the end of the turn. It's preferable to do this when you have evidence on Empirical Hypothesis to guarantee you can draw enough back in case Lucky Cigarette Case doesn't work out.

If you're playing campaign and get some more XP, there's a lot of interesting additions you can make here, for example Priest of Two Faiths to rack up some bless for the group, etc.


Where possible, try to stack up and keep as much evidence on Empirical Hypothesis as you can, to get back on track in case something disrupts the loop. If you have extra draw, you can also save up extra secrets on Scroll of Secrets to save having to play Sleight of Hand in future turns. You can always spend some of your numerous actions on Burglary or extra draws if something needs to be fixed.

If you really fall behind on draw for some reason, you can alwayse use Thorough Inquiry to bolster a turn and fix your cycle.

Most of your unpredictability comes from dealing with your Random Basic Weakness, with luck the extra healing from Medical Student and extra draws will allow you to deal with it. Fortunately a huge amount of options can be ignored entirely (for example all enemies that hunt you). The worst are probably ones that take up a slot, as the cards that get ejected from that slot now will get auto discarded during your upkeep phase, and need to be drawn every turn. This for the most part can be handled by your Lucky Cigarette Case or just spending an extra action.


Jan 07, 2025 MuKen · 78

Updated, new version is a little more complicated, but gets set up quicker and more reliably: I'm keeping this version published though as it's simpler to get the concept across for people who want to incorporate it into their own decks.

Jan 07, 2025 MuKen · 78

Sorry wrong link posted for new decklist, it should be Shadow Ace Trish