[Cluever] Boring Handyman Wilson Richards

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

karasikrus · 75

Do you like doing investigate action and setting up your big asset-heavy deck? If you do, ther is a deck for you.

This deck allows you to start investigating at 5 on you second turn (after a bit of set up).

Main strategy

  • play tool assets
  • add more hand slots for tools
  • play more tool assets
  • investigate with your tools
  • swap tools to replace exhausted ones

Notable card combos

Lockpicks + Pushed to the Limit: if your discard in the first scenario, just shuffle them into your deck.

Cleaning Kit + Fingerprint Kit: more double clues.

Pocket Multi Tool + Fine Tuning: getting +1 every turn is pretty good.

Tool Belt + exhausting tools: swap exhausted assets while you have limited hand slots.

Hand Slots

You have two basic hand slots – use them if you haven't found Tinker or Tool Belt + Hidden Pocket.

Extra hand slots achived with Tinker (it does not give you slots, but make your tools slotless)

Two more slots for illegal tools, namely Lockpicks and Thieves' Kit achieved by attaching Hidden Pocket to Tool Belt (not Backpack, because it will be discarded eventually).

Finally, you can swap your tools with Tool Belt to replace exhausted assets with not exhausted.


You need a few items on your oppening hand to set up with Geared Up. Backpack is pretty good. You may hard mulligan for it. You need to play it before Tool Belt.

Tool Belt is fine, great if you also have Backpack.

One of your clue-seeking tools (Lockpicks, Thieves' Kit and Fingerprint Kit) is needed, but can be found in Backpack.

Pushed to the Limit is needed later in the scenario.

Alice Luxley is too costly. You would not be able to afford it on round one.

Other cards are fine.

Perfect Setup

This could be achived close to the end of scenario

Hand slots

Upgrade path

Just upgrade existing cards (that is why the deck is kinda boring). See Down the Rabbit Hole? That's free real estate experience. There are few noticable upgrades you should consider first:


Apparently it is a variation of the deck from this video


Oct 23, 2024 maddogxx5 · 1

Wow I never thought about RW being able to take Down the Rabbit Hole!

Oct 23, 2024 maddogxx5 · 1

Oh Versatile lol. Nevermind! I thought I was missing some rule since he can take "upgrade" cards. Cool deck. Carry on!

Oct 23, 2024 An_Undecayed_Whately · 1169

Considering that you’re running Alice Luxley, what about a way to get clues while ignoring Attacks of Opportunity… possibly Scene of the Crime? It gains you testless clues and testless damage.

Oct 23, 2024 CapMeeple · 1

Nice deck

Oct 24, 2024 BubbaAristotle · 1

Once you put the Hidden Pocket on the Tool Belt doesn't blanking its text box mean that it can't have anything in the hidden pocket?

Oct 24, 2024 ridgeheart · 1

Very cool deck. For the above question, I think that Hidden Pocket should still be okay to function, as it is an event card (not an asset) and therefore wouldn't have its text box blanked by Tool Belt. Tool belt text: "Each attached asset takes up no slots and its text box is treated as if it were blank". Hope that helps!