I'm not convinced by this card. While there's something nice about turning any main/off-class seeker into Rex for three actions, this card doesn't represent the best value IMO. Including the action to the play the card, this card generates the equivalent of two actions. It costs a whopping four resources to play and will leave the player 3 resources shorter than if they had Dr. Milan in play and investigated them the old fashioned way.
A magnifying glass costs 1 (or 0) resources, is fast and gives the same Int bonus while investigating. Further, Fingerprint Kit loses value and/or utility on 1-clue locations. The net result of playing this card vs not playing it is 4 resources for 2 clues. 3 resources if one played Magnifying Glass instead, 7 resources if you count the resources not gained from Dr. Milan. It doesn't help on 1 clue locations. I think if it cost less, had more charges, or could get more charges it might represent better value.
In fairness, the net two actions could be used to clear out a location in a single turn, otherwise not possible so there's something to be said for it, but it's so costly and not always guaranteed to be useful, unlike a magnifying glass and Dr. Milan. I think adding more charges to it (Venturer, Emergency Cache (3)) will be a massive boon to this card (tho Venturer does itself cost 4 resources and an action to play and can only be used by main/off-class blues).