Sefina Sharpens Her Brushes | Flex | 22xp

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Fitzz · 1438

Sefina Sharpens Her Brushes


Credit: Microsoft Paint and a lot of patience


I have been trying to find a deck that maximises the utility of Haste, especially the free action and the play action. So far, this has been the most fun to play, and the one that seems to make the most profit.

This is a flex build, designed to grab tons of clues while having plenty of resources to deal with enemies.


Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Enemy Management: ★★★★☆
Clue-getting: ★★★★★
Encounter protection: ★★★☆☆
Survivability: ★★★★☆
Economy: ★★★★☆
Card Drawing: ★★★★★

Main Strategy

Maximising Haste

Activate Action :

Play action:

  • An obvious use of Haste is to play 2 cards and then play a third actionless card. Easy to trigger with the many 0-cost cards in the deck.

  • Black Market s excellent here, allowing you to dig for the necessary pieces and play a lot of cards. This is also the reason why we run Drawn to the Flame and the other 0-cost events.

Other actions:

Other Cards

Upgrade Path

At this point, the deck feels pretty strong.

0-XP Version:


Upgrade Priorities

Any comments / ideas to improve it are very welcome!

To create your own guides, find the fantastic template Valentin1331 has created here_


Dec 14, 2023 Drostt · 64

I gave like for the picture, but the deck seems cool as well.

Dec 14, 2023 suika · 9362

You can't use painted world for Ace in the Hole.

The last time I did a deck like this, I went Dario El-Amin and The Black Fan. Dowsing Rod's free movement would be useful for compression as well, and makes you a lot less dependant on tutoring Sixth Sense.

Dec 14, 2023 suika · 9362

Bah, accidentally submitted.

Anyway, it's a good decklist. Very reliable.

The only gripe I have is that Dexter would do it better, but that can't be helped.

Dec 14, 2023 wedgeex · 87

Haste is absolutely rad and I love what you've done with this one.

Dec 15, 2023 PJFrigate · 329

I have struggled for a long time to build a viable Selina deck for true solo. With a couple minor tweaks, I think this one will work better than anything I’ve come up with. Thank you,

Dec 15, 2023 Shandras · 3

This is pretty cool! One suggestion I have is to ditch "Versatile" on the Friends in Low Places in favor of "Clever". You can take Spells as the normal trait. Ritual only seems to catch Haste, and with Clever, you'll get to put it in top of the deck rather than immediately drawing it - which costs you a draw action but saves you a resource, which isn't much of a loss. On the other hand, you get to pre-plan your Black Market, avoid "Stars of Hyades" ruining your day over and over again and just generally have more info about what you'll be able to do!

Dec 15, 2023 Fitzz · 1438

@suika Thank you! Dowsing Rod seems really nice too, didn't think about it, and you could run Shrivelling in the arcane slot. Although Sixth Sense can be searched with Friends in Low Places. As always, pros and cons. You are absolutely right about the painted world and Ace in the Hole, silly mistake when writing the guide.

I see the point about Dexter, and Sixth Sense and Haste is definitely great. But Sefina also seems to bring some strengths to the table, most notably the huge consistency of the combo pieces with the initial 13-card draw and Friends in Low Places, as well as the passive ability to trigger Haste. Again, pros and cons, but thanks for the suggestions!

Dec 15, 2023 Fitzz · 1438

@wedgeex Thank you!

@PJFrigate I think it should definitely work for true solo. I would say its main weakness in that regard is burst damage for elites. Including a Shrivelling to take the place of Sixth Sense when you no longer need to investigate might help, or even a copy of Hyperphysical Shotcaster just with Railshooter. That extra four attacks for 2 damage should be enough.

@Shandras I like it! 100% agree it’s a better choice and an improvement. Thank you!

Jan 04, 2024 DataVader · 1

How can the 0-XP Version have 1x Four of Cups and 3x Easy Mark? You would need 4 XP for that, or am I missing something?

Additionally, anything you would change in a 3 or 4 player campaign?

Jan 05, 2024 Fitzz · 1438

@DataVader Because you take In the Thick of It, and actually the three Easy Mark only cost 1xp. So you start with 2xp spent and save 1xp to add to your first scenario resolution. The only thing I would consider changing for 4 players is Lone Wolf, as it might be hard to trigger. Replace it with any other resource-generating card you like (but you can still play around it depending on your comp).

Jan 07, 2024 Neramoor · 77

I've been running foresight with friends in low places (clever) in seffy to try and kill her weakness or failing that just to gain tempo. its mostly been working well particularly if you can painted world foresight