Solo experience with Roland - Updated

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Uncle George the Farmer · 43418

Hello fellow investigators

This is my new testing deck about Roland. Let me explain my choices here.


.45 Automatic It's just here to increase the possibility to draw a weapon in the beginning of the game if you didn't draw your machete. Also it helps Prepared for the Worst not beeing a dead card after you draw your important asset.

Flashlight Always have a spot in every solo gaming experience. Helps Roland to deal with these high shroud locations if he hadn't draw any enemy from the encounter deck.

Machete Best available weapon in guardian class. Mulligan hard for this one.

Fine Clothes It's only costs 1 resource, it gives +1 health and sanity and reduce parley actions. Some scenarios needs that reduction to perform well. A nice addition and that extra sanity gives boost to one of Roland's weaknesses.

Dr. William T. Maleson Best ally for Roland till you have access to your upgraded allies. Costs only 1 resource and is a 2/2 body. Then Roland can manipulate his clues to his advantage. He can drop a clue to a 0 clue location to synergize well with his Roland's .38 Special and with Inquiring Mind. This card is so versatile that is a must have in every solo Roland deck.

Guard Dog Having this card 'till you upgraded with Cops.

Fieldwork I used to play with only 1 copy of talents in every deck. You need to have this in early game otherwise you wont benefit much. I wont suggest to mulligan for find it but if you have it on your starting hand keep it.


Dodge great card overall for every

Dynamite Blast only 1 copy will do its job. I wont suggest 2 copies since you wont get so many clues with Roland and spent them easily on Blast.

Emergency Cache Essential card to keep Roland playing his heavy assets.

Evidence! Keep this when you are fighting an enemy in a high shroud location. Deliver the killing blow and discover +1 clue. Combined with his special ability you got 2 clues fairly easily.

Logical Reasoning This is my new favorite tech in the deck. I swap Smoking Pipe for this one and till now its going well. Better play it at the end of your round when you have Maleson on play so you can utilize him in the next round. Healing 2 horrors is essential for Roland. Other than that 2x is great for these nasty treacheries.

Prepared for the Worst This is your Machete finder. If you havent draw Machete on your starting hand and you draw this one keep it. 2nd copy its a dead card.

Shortcut Great mobility card. It cost 0 resource, its and helps rolling the game smooth.

Working a Hunch Another clue finder card. Helps you discover clues in high shroud locations.


Inquiring Mind 3x ? and you can commit it in every test. Combined with Dr. William T. Maleson makes a great addition to your deck.

Unexpected Courage i prefer ? skill cards than spesific skill cards. They are more versatile and helps you in every situation.

Vicious Blow i rename this card as Final blow. I usually keep this to play in elite enemies for the extra damage. Don't waste it in small monsters ( only if you need that clue so much)

In the future i will write which upgrade trees are available for Solo Roland.

Thanks in advance and enjoy playing solo!