Essex County Actress - Tall Tales #3

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

mattastrophic · 3190

Hi everyone!

I used this deck to successfully complete the third Tall Tales Challenge:

This one was centered around going through Essex County Express without taking any Move actions. All movement had to be performed using card abilities. Lola has two main ways to move from train car to train car here: Cat Burglar and Shortcut. She also has Eidetic Memory to recur Shortcut and Flare to search for Cat Burglars. Survival Instinct is here for the specific cases of having a Grappling Horror or Emergent Monstrosity on her location when it's time to move to the next train car.

The rest of the deck largely focuses on quickly grabbing the cars' clues, which is the primary challenge of the scenario. Lola has Fingerprint Kit, Art Student, "Look what I found!", Drawn to the Flame, and Intel Report to grab clues from high-shroud locations efficiently.

There are very few enemies to fight in this scenario, but Lola has .45 Automatic, Enchanted Blade, and Flare for when they do show up and evading won't do the trick.