Carolyn Fern Sticks to the Plan

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Carolyn Fern, un psychiatre dans les labyrinthes de la folie 0 0 0 1.0

Calprinicus · 5697


This deck is paired with Agnes Baker. Agnes deals with the monsters. Carolyn gets the clues.

Instead of going with Ancient Stone or Clarity of Mind I choose to focus on items that uses supplies. This way Emergency Cache can replenish Liquid Courage, First Aid, Painkillers, Smoking Pipe, and even Fingerprint Kit for additional clue finding.

You want to get Stick to the Plan early so you can use it to setup. use Ever Vigilant to setup your starting hand. use baricade to keep hunters from entering you location. then use Dynamite Blast to blow up what's piled up outside your door.

While Agnes fights monsters, I can heal her or use Alice Luxley to find clues and contribute to the damage. Mind over Matter is incase I get cornered.

I plan on boosting my as high as possible with Magnifying Glass, St. Hubert's Key, Alice Luxley, and Death • XIII.


[6xp] Stick to the Plan

[1xp] Premonition -> Ever Vigilant

[3xp] Emergency Cache -> Emergency Cache

[3xp] First Aid -> First Aid

[3xp] Emergency Cache -> Emergency Cache

[3xp] First Aid -> First Aid

[1xp] Magnifying Glass -> Death • XIII

[1xp] Magnifying Glass -> Magnifying Glass

[1xp] Premonition -> Pathfinder

[2xp] Dynamite Blast -> Dynamite Blast

If you need additional damage:

2xp Mind over Matter > Ambush.

2xp Mind over Matter > Ambush.