Hayes Killer

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

hackesackman · 72

Basic plan here is to be able to handle whatever comes at you, most of the upgrades just make you better at it. Probably start a bit worse than any specialist but later on should be pretty consistent.

Upgrade priority - keep in mind that this is just optimal, you should fit in whatever you have the experience for each time just using this list as a guide:

  1. 2x Magnifying Glass -> Magnifying Glass
  2. Charisma
  3. 2x Swift Reflexes -> Leo De Luca
  4. 2x Lantern -> Recall the Future
  5. 2x .45 Automatic -> Enchanted Blade
  6. Bandolier -> The Skeleton Key
  7. Guts -> Lucky Dice
  8. 2x "Look what I found!" -> Will to Survive
  9. 2x "You handle this one!" -> Well Prepared
  10. 2x Physical Training -> Physical Training
  11. Emergency Cache -> Emergency Cache

Add in Adaptable if and when you want to swap something lvl 0 out.