Zoey Samaras returns to Carcosa

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KarmicVoice · 27

This is my attempt at a deck for Zoe for the Return to Carcosa campaign. She will be the fighter, playing in conjunction with Minh (https://arkhamdb.com/decklist/view/45809/minh-thi-phan-returns-to-carcosa-2.0) and Sefina (https://arkhamdb.com/decklist/view/45811/sefina-rousseau-returns-to-carcosa-1.0)

Zoe exists to kill monsters, and to quickly find clues.

As with Minh, I was tossing up between Shortcut and Logical Reasoning for Zoe. I went with Logical Reasoning as she is more likely to need the horror healing (and would also benefit from two extra icons when needed).

Drawn to the Flame will help Zoe quickly find clues without having to do checks, while Flashlight should help her clean out 2 shroud locations.

"Let me handle this!" and On the Hunt will help her farm resources from encounters. Elusive will allow her to travel the map quickly if she needs to get somewhere we she can get close to an ally in trouble or an enemy with Smite the Wicked

The first upgrade is easy - 6xp on getting Stick to the Plan into the deck. After that we work towards getting a Lightning Gun to replace the .45 Automatic, some Extra Ammunition to ensure it's fully loaded, and an Ever Vigilant to allow us to play it cheaper. Zoey will also need to swap in a Bandolier so she can dual-wield the Lightning Gun and a Machete to save on ammunition.

In terms of allies, swapping out the Guard Dog for either Beat Cop or Brother Xavier seems like the best play - I'm leaning towards Brother Xavier due to the higher soak and boost.

I was thinking of being clever and combining St. Hubert's Key with cards like Say Your Prayers and Reckless Assault - depending on how Zoey's sanity goes through Carcosa I might end up swapping those cards into the deck to replace Guts and Unexpected Courage