Solo Roland Hunts for Clues (level 0 deck)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

hatfulofbomb · 812

Everyone knows Guardians don't get great action compression - aside from extra damage, and good ol' Stick to the Plan Ever Vigilant.

But... that's not always the case. This Roland deck aims to take a given scenario, snap the encounter deck's spine over his knee, and profit all at the same time.

By using Roland Banks' regular front alongside his Roland Banks parallel back, you can run both On the Hunt and Kicking the Hornet's Nest, making sure that you're a veritable honeypot for crawlies, ghoulies, and any and all other things that go bump in the night (and, as an added benefit, if you bring this to The Scarlet Keys, you can choose to just ignore a lot of Concealed effects by spawning the enemies engaged with you).

So now you're swarmed with enemies, what can you do?

Well, you have your normal front, so you can get a clue from your location when you defeat it. That's pretty good compression!

But what if you're on one of those wretched locations that has 3 clues per investigator, the bane of every solo player? You'd still have to investigate with your paltry 3 ! Yikes!


Runic Axe is upgraded with Inscription of the Elders and Inscription of the Hunt. Commit an Overpower (or grab one with Practice Makes Perfect, and maybe a Viscious Blow to make sure you oversucceed, and you can grab a clue from your location with your ability, AND your Axe. Then you can spend the rest of your turn playing assets, drawing cards, or clearing weaknesses/treacheries. Next turn, you can hunt to the next location to clear it of its clues as well.

Not enough for you? Geez, ok, ok. While it's not likely to come up in true solo, you can also exhaust Grete Wagner to discover a third clue when you defeat an enemy.

More!? Geez, fine... uh... Glory will draw you two more cards when you defeat an enemy, and Crack the Case will let you pay for those new cards you drew, smoothing your resources so you can afford to murder again for fun and profit.

No, I'm not putting Evidence! in this deck! You don't need it, stop being greedy!

Since you're Roland, you've got Hunter's Armor kitted out with Hallowed to get you 4 precious sanity soak.

Ever Vigilant, Prepared for the Worst, and Emergency Cache are all in preparation for Stick to the Plan, which is still powerful enough to be warranted in this deck.

Glory greases this deck, either drawing you cards or being 2 more copies of Perception. Machete is there to let you reload your Runic Axe if you need it (as is Bandolier.)

Some obvious upgrades are Scriptweaver on your Axe, Hexdrinker and Enchanted on your Armor, Stick to the Plan, Grete Wagner, and Vicious Blow. After those, feel free to go ham with whatever you'd like! The basic idea of this deck should work in most campaigns (aside from The Forgotten Age and The Dream Eaters, which pose some additional difficulties,) but you have enough action compression to pull the deck in a bunch of silly directions!

Please let me know what you think, or if you try this out in a game of your own!

Cheers - HatfulofBomb