"Let me check my Notes" - Daisy searches her books

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Kulko · 1


This is my first attempt on a documented deck. The deck was created for the BGG PlayByForum Game 21 Return to the Circle Undone and only slightly modified from the experiences at this campaign. It worked quite well as the cluever of the party with enough fighting capacity to survive ocasionally on her own.


How To Play (Early Campaign)

First order of business is interporeting the dreams, but with your high Book score and plenty of easy investigate checks this should not take too long. When you find a Research Librarian use it to find an Old Book of Lore and find and Astounding Revelation to have him pay for himself. Once you have a Tome out play Whitton Greene to boost your to 6 which should be all you ever need. Now run all over the place using Deduction to speed up clueving and Shortcut to speed your progress across the map. When you clear a location Crack the Case to gain some needed resources but mostly to help your goon with his economy. Logical Reasoningis in there to help manage your horror after you have to cleared the The Necronomicon.

How To Play (Late Campaign)

The upgraded Dream Diary provides you with a free Unexpected Courage every turn in form of Essence of the Dream. Use this for a particularly hard check or keep it around for encounter deck protection. Once you got Eon Chart in your Deck you will start using your Astounding Revelation to refill secrets on it for more free actions. Whitton Greene is mostly here for the stat boosts, be careful when using his special abilities as it can also find your weakness.

Important Upgrades