(Guide) Mechanic's Wrath - Daniela Reyes

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SergSel · 328


This deck is intended for 2+ players on standard difficulty. I completed successfully Return to the Night of the Zealot together with Monterey Jack and Daniela.


Daniela tries to incorporate the best of both classes in her ability: extra damage - the trademark of guardian class and evasion tech + tankiness from survivor. This leads to a unique playstyle. She wants to get attacked and fight back, hence the two most important considerations:

  • a need to soak enough damage/horror or alternatively heal to keep using the ability and stay alive

  • benefits from being attacked.

Most of the time Daniela wants to deal damage from her ability. But when an enemy is a big monster/ancient one she can evade it (and preferably cancel the attack).

Her weakness Mob Goons is not that scary. Can be defeated in 1-2 actions. You only have to be aware of direct damage/horror and have some spare health/sanity.

Card selection


.45 Automatic and Enchanted Blade are tried and true L0 weapons. .45 Automatic is a placeholder for the Chainsaw, the weapon Daniela wants to have in endgame. Enchanted Blade can be replaced by .18 Derringer, which is a cheaper and more reliable off-hand weapon. Then she has Mechanic's Wrench, which is quite a good tool (this is not actually a weapon and can't be searched by Prepared for the Worst). The key here is to know, when to trigger it's ability.

Extra damage

Besides weapons Daniela dishes out damage with her pet Guard Dog and events like Act of Desperation and Toe to Toe. The latter is quite good. Besides dealing 3 damage with Daniela's ability it guarantees success and you can safely add your Vicious Blow for more damage. Toe to Toe also brings her Mechanic's Wrench online.

Soak / Healing

Guard Dog and Tetsuo Mori are Daniela's best friends. They are willing to die for her and have some useful abilities. The doggo bites enemies, while Tetsuo searches some of the key items on his defeat, like Hallowed Mirror and Mechanic's Wrench. Tetsuo can turn into 1 copy of Backpack L2.

Flesh Ward has Daniela on it. It is ok to cancel damage or horror from smaller enemies, though it will not help much against big hits. Dodge is quite good, helps a lot to trigger Toe to Toe against big enemies. Hallowed Mirror is generally good.

Other tools

Thanks to her high Daniela can resist treacheries and also can handle other investigators' problems with "Let me handle this!". There are some clue acquisition tools here to help out with investigation like Evidence! and Scene of the Crime. But they are optional.

Limited Slots

So, 5 L0 cards. There are no surprises here, just good stuff cards. Take Heart is good economy for Daniela, just try an investigation test at pretty much any location and gain rewards :).


Some of the upgrades for Daniela:

The upgraded deck after Midnight Masks as an example: https://arkhamdb.com/deck/view/1634598


Daniela is a straightforward fighter. I would not run her solo, though someone might try. But she is quite good at what she does - killing enemies. Her is sometimes tricky and needs planning. It is important to manage health and sanity wisely, then you enjoy playing her.


Sep 26, 2021 SergSel · 328

On second thought I would put in Live and Learn instead of Lucky! purely because of how good Live and Learn is with Chainsaw and .18 Derringer

Dec 12, 2021 inches · 18

This deck worked great on the first scenario of EotE. I swapped the Eureka for a Safeguard and did the suggested Live and Learn for Lucky change.

She can actually do 5 testless damage in one action with Toe to Toe, Vicious Blow and Guard dog out. 2+1+1 dog +1 ability.

After playing, I think Scrounge for Supplies might be even better than Live and Learn. Or maybe one each? The dogs are ridiculous at helping dish and soak damage, and if you can pull a sacrificed dog or Toe to Toe back in your hand, or a Dodge when a big enemy is out to evade it with your ability, I think that's a lot better than a free action with another skill test at +2. But I haven't played fully upgraded so it's hard to tell how much more helpful that might be with the derringer or chainsaw.

Daniela melts 2 health enemies without any actions. Her ability plus the dog and wrench kills them instantly without looking back. Especially with Flesh Ward. Cancel a sanity, dog soak a health, dog bite and Reyes ability and they are gone.

Hallowed Mirror works really great as well. Especially for EotE partners! Excited to move forward with the deck, as I already feel it's very strong.