"Skids" O'Toole Crystallizes Things

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
"Skids" O'Toole: Dreams of Grandeur 47 38 12 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

peewee · 5

Priority 1 is removing the guns for Ornate Bows. As such this deck has very few ways to boost fight checks, which is definitely not spooky in mission one. Or if you can't find the bows. Or if you want to do one damage to a random enemy.

Venturer is there to help reload your Ornate Bow (as is Obfuscation), and Tetsuo Mori is there both as a soak for your pitiful sanity and to help you find both an Ornate Bow and a Crystallizer of Dreams. The morality of the ex-con including a cop into their deck just to die is left as an exercise for the reader. An early upgrade of a Charisma and Delilah O'Rourke should help both with dealing odd amounts of damage and with a bonus agility.

This is very much a Crystallizer of Dreams deck, as you might be able to tell from the name and the number of events. The main cost to the Crystallizer of Dreams is the Guardian of the Crystallizer lurking in your deck waiting to ruin your day - thanks to the Ornate Bow and its 3 damage hits it should be more a moderate nuisance than ruinous.

Stand Together is there because you're a team player, and it's funny to play it in the same deck as Lone Wolf. "You handle this one!" and "You owe me one!" are there because you're secretly not a team player, and Stand Together was only there as a decoy. ("You owe me one!" works well if you can steal events, since you get two-for-one under the Crystallizer of Dreams)

Evidence!, Glory, Narrow Escape, and Sneak By are all fine cards that are secretly only there because they have great icons for the Crystallizer of Dreams. Backstab, Dynamite Blast, and Sneak Attack are so you can pretend you're not dead weight if you don't find an Ornate Bow.

The secret with dealing with willpower checks with this deck is to either give them away, or fail them.


Oct 07, 2020 LivefromBenefitSt · 1049

Maybe a couple of Prepared for the Worst to help you dig for the Bow?

Oct 08, 2020 peewee · 5

That's the worst idea, but I'm not convinced Prepared for the Worst is worth a deck slot in a deck with permanent weapons and no access to Stick to the Plan. It's basically a dead draw unless you happen to find it and not a weapon in your starting hand. Hopefully I can get by with just murdering policemen, since Tetsuo Mori has a few other uses as well.