Subject 5U-21
The Anomaly



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Health: 6. Sanity: 6.

You begin the game with Ravenous (Controlled Hunger) in play.

During each upkeep phase, draw 1 additional card and devour anon-weakness player card in your hand.

: Devour a non-story card controlled by an investigator at your location. (Limit once per round.)

effect: +2. After this test ends, you may add a devoured card to its owner's hand.

Peter Pobach
The Blob That Ate Everything ELSE! #1.

Subject 5U-21 - Back


Deck Size: 50.

Deckbuilding Options: Neutral cards level 0-5, cards from any class level 0.

Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count toward deck size): Ravenous, 3 copies of Regurgitation, 3 copies of Reality Acid, 2 random basic weaknesses.

Deckbuilding Restrictions: No permanents except story and signature permanents.

Additional Requirements: Your deck must include at least 7 cards from each class (, , , , and ).

Additional Upgrade Options: After each scenario ends, separate each card you devoured (beneath Ravenous and set-aside) by class. Before the next scenario in this campaign, you may spend experience to purchase or upgrade 1 or more cards of any level from the class with the most devoured cards (if there is a tie, choose one).

Subject 5U-21
Subject 5U-21
Search for cards usable by this investigator


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Q: When playing Subject 5U-21, can I devour permanents, investigator cards, investigator mini-cards, or weaknesses? A: Suzi cannot devour permanents, investigator cards, or investigator mini- cards. However, Suzi can devour certain weakness cards, specifically ones that enter play under their bearer’s control and that don’t have any abilities preventing them from leaving play. - FAQ, v.2.2, February 2024

  • Q: When playing Subject 5U-21, can I play Refine to upgrade customizable cards during a scenario? A: Generally no. By default, Suzi can only upgrade cards from a class via the ability on the back of her investigator card, meaning she can’t use Refine on most cards. The one exception is Hyperphysical Shotcaster; Suzi can use Refine on the Shotcaster because it’s a neutral customizable card. - FAQ v.2.2, February 2024

  • Q: Suzi has an ability that states: "Devour a non-story card controlled by an investigator at your location." Ravenous Hunger Uncontrolled states something similar: "At the end of your turn: Devour a non-story card beneath Ravenous or controlled by an investigator at your location." Question: How does "at your location" scope? Option 1: The card being devoured has to be "at your location." Option 2: The investigator controlling the card being devoured has to be "at your location." Option 3: Both have to be true. The scoping of "at your location" matters for player cards that attach to enemies, locations, etc. because often those cards will not be at the same location as the investigator who controls them. A: The intention of Suzi’s ability and Ravenous is that the card you’re devouring is at the same location as you. The controller of that card does not have to be at your location. (Rules Forum Answer, June 2024)

  • Q: Are cards attached facedown to backpack and crystallizer of dreams considered under my control? Are they considered in play? Can they be the target of 5U-21's ability "Devour a non-story card controlled by an investigator at your location." A: No, cards attached facedown are not considered in play. And no, Suzi/5U-21 cannot devour cards attached facedown to Backpack or Crystallizer of Dreams; she can only devour the assets themselves. (Rules Forum Answer, September 2024)

Last updated


Darrell sat at his desk, reading notes on upcoming investigation he was about to embark on. Apparently there was some trouble in innsmouth, and a federal agent wanted his assistance. Knowing this, Darrell asked someone he knew from the bureau.

Roland replied saying he didn't know much, but was interested in helping him and that he would be coming to his office to talk about the details. An hour later, they was a knock on his door, and he called out for Roland to come in, and so Roland strides in, his coat collar popped as usual, carrying a bag.

"Hey." Darrell greets. "It's good to see you." He pointed to the letter he was examining. " I'm sure you read the letter I sent you?" Roland nodded. "Yes, interesting business, but before we get into that, I've brought someone along who was interested and wants to help out." "Oh, who's that? " Darrell asked. "I think it be better if I introduced you." Roland replies immediately.

Darrell wasn't to sure about that, but nodded. Roland looked at Darrell for a moment, as if he didn't know how to proceed. Then he turned and called out. "Suzi, come on over."

Suzi? Must be a dame. Darrell thought. But in the next moment as Suzi stepped into his office, he froze in complete shock. 'Suzi' wasn't a dame, or a guy, or even a person. Suzi was green, face green, hands green, hair green. She (if you can call it a she) wore garments, and a leather coat, and hat with a wide brim that cover most of her head.

"Suzi." Roland pointed, "This is Darrell Simmons. He's a photographer. He is the point man here." To Darrells surprise, Suzi spoke perfect english. "It is very nice to meet you, Mr. Simmons." Suzi greeted, with a smile. Roland then looked at Darrell. "Darrell, this is Suzi. Now, I know you have questions..."

"Your goddamn right I have question." Darrell said. Staring at Suzi. The shock had gone, but what replaced it was confusion and some fear. "What is this thing? You said it wants to help? We can't be seen with a green person?!"

"That won't be a problem." Suzi replied at once. Then to Darrell's shock, Suzi green translucent skin morphed and molded, until she had a white skin, brown hair, and emerald green eyes. "I can keep this form, at least for a little bit."

"Pretty cool eh?" Roland smiles. "NO!" Darrell shouts "WHAT IS IT, ROLAND?!"

Roland heaved a sigh. "It's a long story." "Start talking or make it shorter." Darrell demanded at once. Roland digs into his bag, and grabs a file and hands it to Darrell. "It be better if you read this. This is confidential. So I expect hush lips."

Darrell opened the file, and began scanning the documents. It spoke about this " Anomaly" and how it was "devouring" the countryside. A third party was despatched to help get it under control, and with Roland's connections, he actually had gotten the names. " Dexter was there?" Darrell said,More to himself. "And Winifred? I spoke to her a few days ago." He then stared directly at Roland. "Why was Carson Sinclair also there? " "That's not important." Roland said pointedly. "Keep reading."

After a few minutes of reading, Darrell gave Roland back the documents, glaring at him. "So, let's see if I have this right. There was this subject... 8... whatever, and it was devouring the country. And with the help of those band of misfits. They were able to stop it. But there was a piece of this Anomaly that these scientists studied and watch grow. And now that piece of the Anomaly, the same piece that tried to devour a country, is standing in MY office?!"

"Well, when you put it like that..."


Roland stare, simply lost for words, then Suzi spoke, reverting back to her translucent green.

"If I may, Mr. Simmons. I understand your concerns. I read the report myself, and you have every right to be weary. I am an extension of Subject 8l-08, and I too feel the need to 'devour'." She began. "But I have learned much from you humans. And I've learned about how you live, and it's much more interesting then simply devouring you, as subject 8I-08 would. The one thing I lack, is normal human emotions. And while that may be because of what I am. I'm desperately trying to fix that. I want to help and learn more about you humans, and go on many adventures. So... I humbly request permission to join your investigation into Innsmouth." She finished with a smile.

Darrell stared at Suzi, lost for a reply. He glances at Roland, who simply nods. "I must be out my damn mind." Darrell states. Then looking at Suzi, he extends his hand for her to shake, and she does, her hand feeling warm to the touch. " It's nice to meet you Suzi, welcome to the team."


Okay. Let's actually talk about Suzi. She's got 1111, and a 6 health 6 sanity. She's probably 1 of the most flexible investigators, and has a high ceiling. First, I want to bring up her "ability", and her deck building before we talk DEVOUR.

Her ability is "During each upkeep phase, draw 1 additional card and devour a non-weakness player card in your hand." It's basically a Pseudo Forced Learning. To add on to this, she has a deck size of 50. Which including the 6 signatures and 2 random weaknesses, adds up to 58 cards! Jeeez. But if you are drawing 2 cards everytime, it's like it's 29 cards. This of course means that searching for cards is still rough. But you can pack card draw with her access.

Speaking of access, you can take all neutral cards, all level 0 cards. And theoretically every leveled card in the game (sort of). Of course you have to play around it, and it's not guaranteed. But It can lead into some pretty interesting combination.

Her deck building requirements is that 'Your deck must include at least 7 cards from each class' which is like Lola Hayes. But she has 5 more cards, so it gives Suzi some more room to play more into a class. But what Suzi has that Lola doesn't have, Is Suzi's Restriction. 'No permanents except story and signature permanents.' None of the level 0 permanents, no stick to the plan, no another day, another dollar, no studious, no talent permanent, no charisma, no relic hunter, you get the idea. Funny enough, when I was drawing her 2 random basic weakness for Innsmouth run with Darrell and Roland. 1 of them was Indebted. Which of course is a permanent weakness. And the back clearly states 'no permanents' so I actually had to redraw that, pretty weird. Anyways.

You begin the game with Ravenous (Controlled Hunger) in play. So now we look at that.

"Each time you devour a card, place it facedown beneath Ravenous. You get +1 to each of your skills for each card beneath Ravenous (max +5)."

So you can see that Suzi numbers can get big. You do have to devour cards. But when we talk about her signatures, you may be able to play around this, just becareful with the filp side.

"Each time you devour a card, set it aside, out of play. You get +1 to each of your skills for each card beneath Ravenous (max +5).

Forced - At the end of your turn: Devour a non-story card beneath Ravenous or controlled by an investigator at your location. If there is nothing beneath Ravenous, flip it over."

So, you are now forced to eat cards from underneath Ravenous or from play, which depending on when this happens you may find your self getting rid of cards from play to keep your 6s. 1 aspect I love is that you can eat other players cards. This is funny, especially if they don't want you to eat certain cards. :)

Her elder sign is solid, and you will get the idea why when we talk about her signatures.

"Fast. Play only during your turn.

If Ravenous (Uncontrolled Hunger) is face up, flip it over. Choose and return up to 3 cards you devoured (beneath Ravenous or set-aside) to their owners' hands. For each card returned in this way, heal 1 damage and 1 horror."

This is Suzi bread and butter. She gets 3 of these bennies, and this allows you to manipulate cards you devour. This is where playing into devouring cards can turn into your favor. Especially if you devour a card that has limited uses, you can fine yourself adding this card again so you can use it again. This logic can be applied across other players. It's free, fast and to put extra gravy on, it can heal you 1-3 damage/horror, which is incredibly helpful. It well also forced your Ravenous to flip to the the goodside, which is helpful but with a good signature, there's a bad weakness.

Revelation - If Ravenous (Controlled Hunger) is face up, flip it over. You devour a random aspect of reality. Reveal a random chaos token from the chaos bag and consult Reality Acid reference card to determine what you devoured

So, it is completely random what you devour here. But this scales with more players. For example. 0 from the Reality Acid reference card, says to devour the top card from each investigators deck. This can be 1 card, or 4 cards devoured. Depending the amount of investigators in game. Also a negative, it forces a Ravenous flip to its bad side. So it may be handy to keep a Regurgitation on hand.

So, Suzi is a very interesting character, She offers a large amount of freedom with how you can build her deck, because if you play around correctly, you can ensure a certain amount of class cards is devoured. But a down size is you may have to devour cards you really don't want to devour. Her weakness also may Interfere with other players, and at the worst time, can leave you stranded with poor stats. She also needs to get set up, and she must attempt to balance devour certain cards. She is a very fun investigator.

I read about other people reactions to her, and many called her a spoof character. While I cannot deny that she is goofy. I think they introduced her in a fair way, and in a deck building game, we create not only our decks but our characters story's as well. It is a aspect that some may not play into, but we make our own stories with each character. That's why I wrote the beginning bit. I wanted to place Suzi into the picture and give each investigator a reason why they were hanging around a manifold ally. All in all, I think she is very interesting.

Happy devouring.

Finally, more review fiction! — MrGoldbee · 1473

FIrst off, some notes. Player cards are not considered to have a level, so you sadly cannot recur Regurgitation with Scrounge for Supplies. Few things can. Technically The Council's Coffer could, but that card's text might as well read "everybody skips their turn and cheats a little bit".

Her devour ability can also only target cards in play unless otherwise noted. While the cards in your hand/deck/discard/under ravenous are technically "player controlled", they are not valid targets for abilities unless specifically stated otherwise. That means you cannot use her fast ability to eat cards from your hand/deck/discard to speed up her growth, nor can you devour cards under ravenous to maintain a high statline. Nothing except Regurgitation or getting extremely lucky with Reality Acid can prevent her from losing control for several turns.

So, what cards does she like?

The obvious category is cards that cost doom or have a similar downside. The Initiate, Renfield, Alyssa and Blood Pact can all do their dirty work and get devoured before you're in danger of advancing the agenda. The Crystallizer is harmless, because you can merely devour it when the Guardian shows up. She can use her ability in support of other investigators as well, devouring their Renfields or Initiates so they don't have to dig for Moonlight Rituals.

The second category are cheap and fast assets to feed her ability. Intrepid can help someone in the mythos phase, buff them for a turn and get devoured before it would be discarded, zero cost/zero actions. Solemn Vow can be played on other players, allowing them to transfer their damage/horror to your own sacrificial assets, then devoured when necessary. Priest of Two Faiths can stuff the bag, soak damage/horror from your vows, and get eaten before he ever adds a single curse, all for 1 resource. She can Jury-Rig things and devour the rigging when it's out of uses.

The third category is anything that benefits from a balanced statline. Suzi can't depend on a static 5 like some investigators, but she'll spend most of the game with a 3 or better in multiple stats. Lockpicks and Suggestion for example fire at 6 or better for 5 turns in a row. Survey, Savant, Occult Theory, Defensive Stance and Dauntless Spirit will similarly be good to great for 5 out of every 8 turns.

In the fourth category, we have cards that lessen the impact of her low-stat rounds. Suzi makes great use of Borrowed Time, letting her essentially bank an entire turn to be spent later with better stats. Old Book of Lore and Encyclopedia can let you slot into a support role, using your weak actions to buff your more effective allies. In theory, the Sledgehammers benefit both buff and scrawny Suzi, using quick but innacurate strikes when you're strong and spending extra actions when you're weak.

Honorable mention goes to the suite of survivor cards like Rise to the Occasion, Against All Odds or Signum Crucis, which will always go off a base value of 1 for maximum effect.

CombStranger · 270
Let me take you on a Suzi Journey based on real experiences I have three card under ravenous controlled hunger as I played regurgitation the turn before ( and then devoured something) I draw reality acid at the start of suzi turn. (oh no) I draw the autofail for the acid (OH NO!) this pull three more tokens a +1, 0 and -2 (oh?) The +1 devours a treachery at my location (OH YEAH!) the -2 a devouring a renfeild with 3 doom (OH YEAH!) the 0 devours the top card of each players deck (oh no) It hits Alice Luxley from Roland , a guidance from Preston , SHELL SHOCK from Mark and a REALITY ACID from Suzi (OH YEAH!) Reality acid devoured REALITY ACID! I have to devour a card from my hand for Suzi actual ability back at the start of all of this. Then my turn. — Neramoor · 77
You also control cards you've committed, so Signum Crucis can be committed for bless tokens and eaten, with no change to your statline since it's a 1? and now you have +1 all stats. You need level 2 survivor access to use it tho. — Lailah · 1
It's seemingly a 0 xp card now... — Quantallar · 8

My god get this travesty off of the Arkham page. What’s next laser blasters held by goblins? HP Lovecraft is rolling in his grave - all for modernisations and modern world sensibilities but this fanfic stuff brings the game down.

Krysmopompas · 360
HP Lovecraft was frightened by math, seafood, and miscegenation, and to my knowledge only recanted the latter. This is already a game where you can fistfight Cthulhu too. If you don’t like her don’t use her but that’s on you. — Lailah · 1
The subject is not 4U! — MrGoldbee · 1473
The lightning gun basically is a laser blaster and the blob basically is a Shoggoth, so I'm really not sure what Lovecraft would be objecting to more about Suzi than he would about a non-binary PoC beating mythos gods to death with baseball bats. — Gfo1979 · 1
@Gfo1979 Lightning Gun is "canon" for what that's worth - and agreed to not use her if anyone doesn't like her but for a game that started out so strong, things like this "Character", TSK's endless bad writing and so on, I'm looking forward to Hemlock Vale as a spiritual restart for the franchise. — Krysmopompas · 360
HP Lovecraft would definitely think this is sick as hell. — toastsushi · 74
Also mentioning that stuff like this is fan fiction when the Cthulhu mythos is a steady amalgamation of fan fiction from other writers over the years. — toastsushi · 74
There are a lot of things HP Lovecraft would oppose in this game and I do not care at all. Art is what we make it. — StyxTBeuford · 13029
the game fundamentally reduces lovecraft's setting to something more like a saturday morning cartoon, with the good guys finding and beating up the baddies. Tonally, the martial conflict that is centric to the plots in arkham LCG does not mesh well with the lovecraft universe I think. I'm also not sure a blob in the shape of a human being is particularly out of place either on arkham lcg or in lovecraft's original stories. — ragnarokio · 1

Can Suzi devour the individual event cards attached to Crystallizer of Dreams, or would she have to devour the entire Crystallizer asset?

If the former, that seems pretty enormously powerful; it means you have a steady stream of event cards to devour and aren't likely to have to resort to eating your assets (or your teammates). Even better, you could use it to juggle multiple copies of Regurgitation back into your hand, healing damage and horror with every cycle.

If the latter, what happens to the attachments; are they devoured as well? Or simply discarded?

Unrelated: unless I'm mistaken, Suzi can benefit greatly from cards that cause her investigator card to be treated as blank (e.g. the Stubborn Detective weakness). If she builds up a healthy statline from Ravenous (Controlled Hunger), blanking her investigator card prevents her from being forced to devour one of the cards she draws during upkeep and switch back into Uncontrolled Hunger mode, but she still keeps the stat boots from Ravenous.

krumpvrank · 1
I'm pretty sure the attached events are considered out of play due to being face down, therefore while Suzi does control them, they aren't eligible targets for the devour ability. And if she devours the Crystallizer, the attached events are discarded. — TheNameWasTaken · 3
That's seems to be right. For comparison look at the faq for Diana. — Tharzax · 1
FAQ for Diana is about cards that are facedown "beneath" other cards. Things like Crystallizer of Dreams and backpack etc. deal with cards facedown "attached to" other cards. I believe the ruling on Diana doesn't apply to Crystallizer of Dreams. — fuqifan · 1