Shaggy and Scoob At It Again... and Again...

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Goodlake · 37

Zoinks! The Ashcan Man has been a favorite of mine ever since I first picked up Dunwich, not only because the thought of a bum and his dog tackling the blasphemies of the Cthulhu Mythos is very delightful, but because when combined with Duke, he's arguably the most well-rounded investigator currently in the collection. His 4 Willpower buffers him against most treacheries, his 3 Agility is serviceable when he's harassed by an enemy he or his teammates can't defeat, and his trusty hound boosts his Fight and Intelligence to 4.

Strategy: This is a deck based on one I recently took through the Dunwich campaign. Like a lot of Pete decks, the basic mechanic is focused on getting cards into and then back out of the discard pile. A combination of Scavenging and Resourceful keeps your hand stacked with Scoobie Snacks to keep Duke ready. Flashlight is mostly there to feed Duke over and over, but is useful in its own right on low-shroud locations or in conjunction with "Look what I found!".

What differentiates this is the use of Quantum Flux as a way to get everything out of the discard pile when it suits (e.g. when it contains both copies of Lucky! and Resourceful, when Scavenging hasn't turned up, etc.). Quantum Flux is particularly useful in the Dunwich campaign - and especially once you upgrade to Key of Ys - because of all the discard-focused treacheries and the looming threat of Beyond the Veil. In scenarios where you're not threatened by Beyond the Veil or where you're not at risk for running out of cards, Quantum's 1 wild icon can help boost your Resourceful attempts, which you should ideally only use when Lucky! or "Look what I found!" is in the graveyard.

The campaign I workshopped this deck in was a two-hander, with combat-focused gators supporting Pete while he focused on investigating. I would not try this deck in solo play, simply because it's so heavily tilted toward clue gathering, and you might find yourself struggling to deal with enemies.

Mulligan targets: It will heavily depend on the scenario and whether Beyond the Veil is in play. Since you're going to focus on investigating, your ideal opening hand contains Dr. Milan Christopher (at least before you can grab Plucky), Magnifying Glass and Scavenging. Assuming you land Scavenging in your first draw, looking for items to feed Duke makes sense. In later scenarios, particularly Beyond Time and Space, you may want to look for Quantum Flux. Cards like Lucky! are of course always welcome in an opening hand.

Upgrade targets: Plucky should replace Dig Deep at the earliest opportunity (Dig Deep should probably not even hit the table in this build, but is basically there to anticipate Plucky). Plucky then becomes a hard mulligan target. You are then free to drop "Look what I found!" (since you shouldn't be failing tests!), with an eye toward Key of Ys, before upgrading your two copies of Lucky!.

Later in the campaign, XP can be applied toward upgrading Peter Sylvestre or, if possible, grabbing a second Key of Ys (although you're not likely to have enough XP). Depending on how your campaign goes, you can also swap out your Magnifying Glass for Painkillers and/or Smoking Pipe, the latter of which is particularly helpful for keeping Key of Ys on the table when the universe is collapsing all around you!


Jun 15, 2018 CecilAlucardX · 10

I found Peter to be less useful than Calling in Favors, which lets you reset Scoob and pull someone out to tank for you. With that, I just had other allies to tank all the horror, and this works out great. Up to you how you want to roll with it; if you do add it in, consider Madame Labranche to help tank or fuel discards for Scoob On a more thematic approach, I would proxy up Wracked by Hunger, which is a more hilarious and fitting weakness.