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Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Holysheva · 20

To play in hard mode


Jun 07, 2018 GreatGopher · 595

Don't forget that since Archaic Glyphs is Occult, you actually still have 2 more or card slots free if you want Lucky! or another Magnifying Glass or something!

Jun 07, 2018 heshangshang · 1

I want to know why need the Archaic Glyphs.thanks

Jun 08, 2018 Holysheva · 20

@GreatGopherOH! you are right, but i think i will keep this comp

Jun 08, 2018 Holysheva · 20

@heshangshang The purpouse of this Marie is to investigate, without Deduction you can only investigate a clue per action. if you upgrade to Archaic Glyphs you can take more clues with less action and it is a spell, so you can search the card with Arcane initiate and use it with the special ability of Marie.

Jun 08, 2018 heshangshang · 1

but marie's deck can not include the upgrade Archaic Glyphs-3XP. it can only include the Occult cards level0

Jun 08, 2018 GreatGopher · 595

@heshangshang Marie can take Spells level 0-5. Upgrades Glyphs are both Spells.

Jun 09, 2018 heshangshang · 1

`@GreatGopher I didn't find it,sorry